where have I been?

It's been about five months since I last shared anything on the blog. I can't believe it's been that long. I intended to post things all the time! But of course, life happened. I'm pretty sure I use that excuse for everything, but it's true. My grandfather passed away the very same day of my last post. What a day. Then thanksgiving came, then finals came, then Christmas came, then the new year came (HOORAY), then more life happened, then my grandmother passed away, then youth things picked up, then I went to IHOPKC (prayer not pancakes), then I went to SLR, then Easter (HE IS RISEN!), and now here we are: April 15, 2015.

The last time I posted we were so close to the beginning of interning, and here we are with one full fledged week left and another fun week to follow. Wow. I planned to post about what the Lord is doing and has done, He's done a lot (He's totally not finished and He reminds me of that every day, literally) and I wanted to share it, not all but most, with y'all. Because you deserve to know what the Lord is doing and how good He is and that He loves you and that I'm enjoying my time with Him. Yes you do. By the way, I love talking about Jesus and the Word and God. Maybe this is why I'm in ministry and why He's put me as a youth director for some pretty incredible youts. Hmmm. I love to share God, He's pretty stinking fantastic, more fantastic than we can ever imagine or know.

So, why haven't I done that? Life happening is not an excuse. Life is always happening, until it isn't and I'm bowing before the throne forevermore. Priorities. They are some things that I'm working on, something that I've been working on since they showed up. I haven't made this blog a priority. I've made work and school and instagram and secret place time priorities. Those are things that I need to focus on, well maybe not instagram but Jesus time and work and school and intercession, those are a yes. Here we are. Here I am. Here I am declaring that sharing what's happening and crafty things and pictures on {an imperfect peach} is going to become a priority. I truly enjoy blogging, I just need to grow in it. Here we go. I'm sorry for being gone for so long, but I can't wait for what is to come.

Here's a tune that has been stuck in my head since I first heard it on the radio, after all it's Tunesday Tuesday! It's perfect for having a mini dance party!

Walk the Moon
Shut Up and Dance
Talking is Hard

I was in love with Walk the Moon in high school...and let's be honest, I still am. Enjoy!


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