I might just share those great stories she told me some time soon.
1. It was just plain gorgeous outside today.
It's been a beautiful day.
First, I was late to british literature. I don't particularly like this class, it's just not what I expected. I went into this class thinking that we would be reading the classics like Charles Dickens and so forth. I was wrong. This class is all about old and middle english, possibly involving some Shakespeare. I wish it was all Shakespeare. I love him. This class is all Beowulf and Canterbury Tales and Chaucer. I took british lit in high school and this is what we did. I've read this all before and I'm ready for something new...and I don't know where to begin on my research paper for this class......
Second, I got lost. Well, not technically lost. I simply drove around Macon like a fool trying to get to the other side of town. It was almost as bad as me trying to maneuver around the east side of Athens Labor day weekend...that was bad. Ugh. Andddd my mother was no help. I called her to see if she could help (she grew up in Macon) and she told me that the way I wanted to go wasn't right and that I wouldn't get to where I wanted to go. I was headed to Joann's to get a skirt pattern, some fabric, fabric paint, and whatever else I thought that I need for this skirt I want to make. I'm sick of searching for a black skirt to where to football games and wherever else I made need to wear one. It's hard when you got a big butt! Anyways...after a while I gave up and just went home. When I got back to the house I asked my aunt if my way was correct and she said yes....ughhh. This whole experience just put me in an icky mood.
That was today. It has gotten better since 4:30 this afternoon. I went to Wendy's and got a free junior frosty with one of my coupons and watched a movie on Netflix. Those two small things made the day remarkably better. It's amazing what a chocolate malt consistency desert and a movie can do to your day.
I am hopeful for tomorrow. My psych professor is giving us tomorrow off, so all I have is sociology in the morning and then I am going to attempt to go to Joann's without getting lost.
I, the lover of your soul, understand you perfectly and love you eternally.....
That one lyric pretty much sums up this past entire weekend. Chilling and having shenanigans with some of the best people in the world, that you rarely see. The finest 'brothers and sisters' reunion that has ever happened. CAMP REUNION. Last weekend was a blast. A Hammocking, eating, laughing, signing, Mean Girls, water pumping, The Mayflower Restaurant, building climbing, corn mazing, tether balling, corn holing, swimming piggies filled weekend. Yes, swimming piggies. They race swimming piggies at the Washington Farms corn maze in Watkinsville, Ga. By far the best weekend I've had in a while with some of the best besties you could ever have. There's just something that makes you besties when your taking care of a dozen children, 24-6 for 9 weeks. An unbreakable bond.
So, tonight we decided to make donuts. Biscuit donuts. They're all over Pinterest. It's a pretty simple process. All you need is a tube of non-flaky biscuits, veggie oil, butter, cinnamon, and sugar. Super simple. I found the recipe on this totally great blog.
Hello everybody!! This is my friend Brian. He's a goober and an excellent hugger as well as a spanish speaking machine. And yes, that is a kitty on his shoulder. His name is Rufus. He's oh so cute and fluffy.
I know that a lot of Jane Austen fans aren't in love with Joe Wright's film adaption of the novel but I'm in love with it. It might not be spot on with the book, but what movie is? I mean come on, it's beautiful! And Matthew Macfadyen...Matthew Macfadyen is perfect, unbelievably perfect. If you can't tell, I love Pride and Prejudice. It's one of my favorite novels. I guess it would be my favorite but I love too many to pick just one favorite. I'm simply just waiting for my Mr. Darcy, my perfect gentleman who is in love with me so much that he cannot contain it. Forget Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey (which I haven't read and probably won't). I want the original. I want Mr. Darcy.
Today we celebrate a man who overcame adversity and died fighting for justice. Thank you Reverend Dr. King for your strength and determination. You are the reason for today's happenings.
Natasha Bedingfield
David Bowie
Hello out there!! I guess this is my first post ever! I mean, I have a Facebook and a twitter, etc...but this is a new world. I guess I should explain my self and this here blog and what's in store for all of the possible readers out there. Well, this is my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Over the past few years I've browsed a few blogs and have thought about creating one. The whole time I was thinking, "who is going to read what a girl in high school (now college) has to say other than on Facebook?" So I put it off, deciding that maybe I should wait a few years or when I get married, maybe my life would be interesting by then. Well, now is a few years later. I've gotten through a year of college, applied for 6+ jobs, joined the world of twitter, and kind of figured out what I am going to do with my life after I graduate. I like to think that my life is somewhat interesting now. Well, this blog is going to be like a journal for me. Get ready for pictures, either taken by me or found and tagged with the origin of the image, crazy posts, crafts, adventures (I love a good adventure), friends, laughs, and a ton of embarrassing moments. Pretty much anything and everything.
Hope you enjoy!
My grandmother has been staying with me for the past week. She finally went back to her apartment today. I love my grandmother. I really, truly, honestly lover her but she is insane. This week has been chaos. It started on Monday. Monday morning my grandmother decides that she needs to go to the doctor because she's been feeling dizzy, or 'drunk' as she calls it. Her friend told her that she couldn't drive so she got her driver to take her. SHE DIDN'T THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT TO TELL ANYONE THAT SHE HAD BEEN TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM AND WAS ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL. Yep. No one. Very stressful. My mom found out from someone and then began the relaying of the message. They thought that she might have had a TIA, a mini stroke, so they told her that and had her all worried and such. She didn't have a TIA. Just the usual vertigo. Yep. Nothing more than what she already has. She was released on Tuesday and has been with me since. She has been told to use her walker but she doesn't believe that she is old enough to have to use one (she turned 78 on Friday). Overall it might have been a week of insanity but I loved it. I never have the chance to just talk to her and it was amazing to have the opportunity to do that. Sure she's an cynical old woman, but she's still my grandmother and I love her....I'm just glad that I finally get a day to rest and be left alone.
I might just share those great stories she told me some time soon.
The time is always right to do what is right.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today has been a beautiful day. Not just in the literal, 'OH! it's gorgeous outside!' but just well, in general.
1. It was just plain gorgeous outside today.
2. There was this nice breeze and the sun was shining, not too brightly, just the the perfect amount.
3. I made a 98 on my psych test last Wednesday.
4. I beat my PR on a mile since I tore up my left knee in January 2011.
5. I got a call about the job I applied for at the Methodist Home for Children and Youth. They love me.
6. My psych professor announced that we don't have class on Wednesday. He just wanted to give us a break after that test. (WHAT?? WHO DOES THAT??)
7. Just found out that cancer researches are finding out more information and are getting closer to finding a cure for breast cancer.
It's been a beautiful day.
GOD is good all the time. All the time, GOD is good.
Today has just been a ridiculously crazy day.
First, I was late to british literature. I don't particularly like this class, it's just not what I expected. I went into this class thinking that we would be reading the classics like Charles Dickens and so forth. I was wrong. This class is all about old and middle english, possibly involving some Shakespeare. I wish it was all Shakespeare. I love him. This class is all Beowulf and Canterbury Tales and Chaucer. I took british lit in high school and this is what we did. I've read this all before and I'm ready for something new...and I don't know where to begin on my research paper for this class......
Second, I got lost. Well, not technically lost. I simply drove around Macon like a fool trying to get to the other side of town. It was almost as bad as me trying to maneuver around the east side of Athens Labor day weekend...that was bad. Ugh. Andddd my mother was no help. I called her to see if she could help (she grew up in Macon) and she told me that the way I wanted to go wasn't right and that I wouldn't get to where I wanted to go. I was headed to Joann's to get a skirt pattern, some fabric, fabric paint, and whatever else I thought that I need for this skirt I want to make. I'm sick of searching for a black skirt to where to football games and wherever else I made need to wear one. It's hard when you got a big butt! Anyways...after a while I gave up and just went home. When I got back to the house I asked my aunt if my way was correct and she said yes....ughhh. This whole experience just put me in an icky mood.
That was today. It has gotten better since 4:30 this afternoon. I went to Wendy's and got a free junior frosty with one of my coupons and watched a movie on Netflix. Those two small things made the day remarkably better. It's amazing what a chocolate malt consistency desert and a movie can do to your day.
I am hopeful for tomorrow. My psych professor is giving us tomorrow off, so all I have is sociology in the morning and then I am going to attempt to go to Joann's without getting lost.
I apologize for being gone for the past few days. I've been working on a paper and a skirt. The paper is going well, almost complete. The skirt on the other hand is a work in progress. It is supposed to be a simple 'mucho facil' skirt, but I believe they have lied. There is one crucial step in the pattern that I just don't understand. It's quite frustrating. So I'm taking a break from this pattern I don't understand and will pick it up at another point in time. In the meantime, I am going to make this skirt instead I love her tutorial. It's simple, understandable, and perfect. The skirt that was making is supposed to look just like this but lower on the waist. I wish I had remember that I had pinned this on pinterest before buying the fabric and the pattern and cutting all of the live and you learn. Well, I am back! Hopefully I will be able to finish this skirt and post pictures.
FROM: JESUS CALLING -enjoying peace in HIS presence.
never take for granted MY intimate nearness. marvel at the wonder of MY continual PRESENCE with you. even the most ardent human lover cannot be with you always. nor can another person know the intimacies of your heart, mind, and spirit. I know everything about you--even to the number of hairs on your head. you don't need to work at revealing yourself to ME...
many people spend a lifetime or a small fortune searching for someone who understands them. yet I am freely available to all who call upon MY NAME, who open their hearts to receive ME as SAVIOR. this simple act of faith is the beginning of a lifelong love story. I, the LOVER of your soul, understand you perfectly and love you eternally....
Luke 12.7
John 1.12
Romans 10.13
Oh man. The whole trying to find your soulmate, the man that GOD has matched perfectly to me, and HIS vision for me; is so difficult. You've got to in a fully committed relationship with THE MAN before you find that person. You've got to be married to JESUS because HE is the ultimate man, the SAVIOR, the ONLY perfect person ever created. I know this is something that most young women struggle with, especially me and my friends. We're hitting out 20s, older friends are getting married, having kids, and we just want to find that love, too. We've been brainwashed with this idea that we are going to find someone that just knows us and understands us fully and completely and we don't realize that we already have. HE has loved us since the day that HE created us. HE knows every single thing about us, what we feel, our future, our story. We've got to stop the searching because HE is right here waiting for us to turn around and run into HIS arms and love HIM with all of the fibers of our being. HE is my soulmate...
I recently stole this pin from my best friend. This idea is ingenious!! Keds (or the wonderful wannabees from Target or Walmart like I own) turned into oxfords with a fabric pin or marker and paint of your choice! I've been wanting to buy a pair of oxfords but I haven't found any at a price that I like. GENIUS! The website that this was originally posted on is not written in english, but the pictures explain it all.
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It has been raining nonstop for the past two days. I love the rain, I just miss the sun. The rain here is not like normal fall rain. Autumn doesn't exist in Macon. I miss having 4 seasons and being able to wear jeans and a sweater and be comfortable all day. The rain in sticky and hot and humid. Definitely no cool breeze with it, it still feels like summer. It poured and thunder stormed all night. I think the sun will make an appearance today....I don't hear any rain...Maybe this cold front coming in will make it feel like fall. One can dream.
Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.
- Anthony Burgess
I'm sorry that I disappeared all of a sudden. I had a reunion with my wonderful camp staff folks from this summer. The house that we spent the weekend in didn't have wifi, my friend only had an ethernet cord that didn't work that well on other computers. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend, Columbus Day, and Tuesday! I know that I have! This weekend I got to chill in some hammocks with friends, eat at the best Mom & Pop, Waffle House style restaurant ever, grill out with some of the greatest people on earth, and go to a corn maze after the sun went down! We completed both mazes in 40mins!! A NEW RECORD FOR US!! We went to Washington Farms in Watkinsville, Ga. They have cornhole, racing, swimming pigs, a gigantic tube swing thing, this huge blown up rubber thing that you jump on like a trampoline, tetherball (yes, tetherball), and soooo much more!!! During the day you can go picking on the farm grounds and buy wonderful, fresh fruits and veggies at great prices. For all of you living in North Georgia or, you know the southeastern USA, you should stop by some time; especially in the fall. I wasn't feeling too well on Monday and I already didn't have any classes that day (thank you wonderful professors!), so I spent the cool, fall down outside; in my hammock (yes, it felt like fall in Macon!! cool enough to wear a sweatshirt!). It was a great Monday. Today, my aunt got back before I left for school not feeling good at all. So, I did what any good niece would do and took care of her instead of going to spanish 2001. Hopefully she will go to the doctor like I have told her to tomorrow and will feel better soon!! Please pray for her health and healing. She has psoriasis and an autoimmune disease (I think Crohns disease).
I posted all of the devotionals from the weekend and the past two days. Hopefully I'll be able to add to them with my perspective and how each is affecting me and such tomorrow!
Reunited and it feels so good.
I apologize for not posting in a while. I've been busy with midterms and all of the studying that comes with making the grades. I think I did alright. I scored 30 points higher than on the last exam. My professor has a point system that is out of 150 on exams and out of 35 and 65 on films and other work. It's different. It's interesting. I might not like tests and midterms but each one is a step closer to finish my core classes. WOOHOO!! I've got three more classes to take and then I'll be on my way to upper level social work and sociology classes! Oh and I'm thinking of adding a child and family major to the bunch. I'm already going to have to take both upper level sociology and child & family courses for social work, so why not get my money's worth and add two more majors that won't really effect my course load. I just want to be able to get a job in what I'm passionate about. Why is that so hard? Now that midterms are over I can catch up on everything. Post devotions, finish these cute flowers that I'm making from this tutorial and this tutorial and this tutorial (I know, so many tutorials!), and catching up on rereading 'Into the Wild'. I loved all of the variations of the flowers so I've made some from each and combined the different tutorials for the best tutorial i my opinion (I'll post mine soon). That's been my week+. Hope you are having a wonderful week and enjoy the rest of it!
Everyone, meet Josh Garrels, aka the man with the most beautiful voice in the world. I could listen to him sing all day long. I don't know if it is his raspy tone or just the way he annunciates everything, but his voice just makes me melt. Oh, what a voice. I just love him. So much. I also just want to sing with him. Our voices would sound heavenly together. Yes. I hope that if I marry a man who can sing his voice sounds a little like Garrels'. If not, I'll love him with all of my heart anyway. Enjoy!
Talk about it only enough to do it. Dream about it only enough to feel it. Think about it only enough to understand it. Contemplate it only enough to be it.
FRIDAY: My mother's younger brother's girls came over. They're 4 and 9. Two of the loudest girls ever to have walked the earth, REALLY. I don't think they know what an inside voice is. We went to the park and then to Stevie B's. It was really good. That was the first time I've ever eaten there, it might be better than CiCi's....but nothing beats the CiCi's on Broad St's $2.99 Sunday dinner with your student id. Yes, $2.99. Can I say best roomie dinners every Sunday night? Then we went home and painted our nails with a different color on each toe. It was great. I love them, I really do but they have no manners and have always gotten everything they want. There's no discipline in their lives and they need it, so that's the only down side of having them for the weekend.
SATURDAY: The girls spent the night Friday night. We didn't go to sleep until after 12am. We fixed eggs, grits, toast, and fruit for breakfast and then watched some halloween movies on ABCFamily. My aunt took them to the park around 1pm. I didn't start curling my hair until 1:30. My cousin Lauren got married Saturday night it Atlanta. It was gorgeous. The ceremony was at the First Methodist Church on Peachtree and the reception was a the Commerce Club over the Ritz Carlton. Can you say ultra swanky?? Anyways...I started getting ready late, so then I was late leaving to meet my extended family so we could ride together. Everyone was running late so everything was okay. We got to the church at 4pm and the wedding didn't start until 5pm. It was gorgeous. Lauren was gorgeous. The food was delicious. Steak and potatoes with a crab cake, shrimp, asparagus, and slivers of carrots to top it off. Delish!! A beautiful wedding.
SUNDAY: It's been a do nothing day. I woke up at 9:30ish and I guess I fell back to sleep and didn't get up to almost noon. Missed church. Not good. I've been cleaning and washing clothes and am in the midst of a poke war with my dear friend Brian. We'll see who wins. Now it's time for Bible study! WOOHOO!! I didn't get to go last week because I was stuck in Atlanta traffic coming back from my house. So much traffic getting on 85 and then through Atl and there wasn't even a Falcons game or any accidents!! No idea why there was traffic. Today has been a real fall day. It's chilly for once and I love it. I miss the cool fall weather. It was chilly in Atlanta yesterday and I loved it!! Fall is my favorite time of the year and I've missed it so much this year.
I'm currently in love with this photo and color scheme. I have no idea why. It might be because I love fall or because I love peach. Who knows. I just thought I'd share the love.
I can't believe that it's already November. This fall semester has flown by so fast. I just don't know what to say. I think that I've become a new person this year. I feel different. There are times that I like it and there are times that I really don't know. I begin to think that I've grown as a person, but then I also think that I've taken a few steps back. I'm not doing what I love as much as I used to. I don't see my family. I feel as though I have been removed from my friend's "friend list," we've become so distant that I don't even know if we are really friends anymore. The girl that I was supposed to room with this year used to be one of my closest friends and now it's as if we never met. She has a new roommate and new friends and isn't there when I need her. My best friends are farther away, but I've come to a realization. My wonderful friend and mentor and youth director, Ashley Martin, explained it perfectly: there are friends that you have through college until the end of time, and there are friends that you have for a year or less. She's right, things change. When you go through something tough and are gone, it's your true friends who remain with you as if they're right at your side. I know who those people are and I'm grateful for each and everyone of them. I know who the friends that Ashley described as "run-throughers" (that's the best way I could define them), the people who are only with you for a while. I've changed. We've all changed.
November is a new month, a new beginning, a month full of thankfulness, and cool fall breezes. November is a month of change. The month stuck directly between fall and winter, a combo month. Everything changes so much in November, and I truly believe that it will be a moment of change in my life as well. Change is often good. Growing is good. Creating the you you believe is you and GOD believes is you is even better. I'm ready for a month of change.
hello november.
Keep Your Eyes Open
Atlantic Recording Corporation
I think this is the perfect song for this "November of change" or beginning. That's what I've decided to call it. This song is all about letting go and just being free and just being open to new things. What could be more perfect for this wonderful month. This is one of my favorites by NEEDTOBREATHE. They are perfection. The lead vocalist has this gorgeous, raspy voice that I love so much. NEEDTOBREATHE is labeled as rock by iTunes, but I believe they are more than that. They're much deeper than just rock, it's more of a classic rock feel with a folk/indie vibe. Very similar vocal styling as Kings of Leon. All I know is that I love they're sound, vibe, and their music. Check them out! They are wonderful.
For election day:
Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.
- Oprah Winfrey
WOOOOHOOOO! It's officially election day!! You know what that means, TIME TO GO VOTE! That's right, it's time to elect a new president and new congressional members. So, if you are a legal US voter go and vote. Exercise your right as a US citizen and vote for the people who run the country. Not only go and vote for the big man in office, the face of the government, the man who doesn't do much when you think about it....but go out and vote for our Senators and Congressmen/women. They are the real big guys in office. They are the people who really make all of the decisions when it comes down to our government. So go out and vote. Whether you believe it or not, your vote actually counts. It could break a tie, make an even larger landslide, and make you feel like you're doing something for your country. Keep the country as a whole in mind when you vote. Who will actually be good for everyone? Who is the least full of crap? Who will go along with legislature that both parties can agree on? Which congressional nominees will actually do something good for this country? Which of these wealthy, over paid, critics actually care about me and my rights?
Just vote. It's a simple process and it matters. YAY for election day!!
Goodness, it is cold outside! It's early November (and my grandpa's 86th birthday), 40 degrees middle Georgia. Yes, middle Georgia! So Weird. I just want to curl up in that pretty and comfortable bed, drink some hot cocoa, eat some scrumptious pumpkin bread, curl up with a good classic, and watch the best movie ever (aka Freedom Writers). It's on MTV right now, which is strange. For those who haven't seen it, this is an incredible true story about a new teacher, teaching in an inner city school, going against the norm by fighting the school and school board to give these students an education and making them feel and know that they are important and that they can be anyone that they want, that they don't have to be these kids that they are told they have to be. It's beautiful. I've got my tissues and my cookie dough. I'm ready. I just love this movie so much. It's what I want to do, it's who I want to be. I aspire to be a brave, social change, loving bringing woman.
Sorry I got so deep there. I just love this movie. I just need the 5 things to make this a perfect day. Yep Yep Yep.
Today is my grandpapa's 86th birthday. He lives in the Veteran's Home in Milledgeville, Ga. He has Alzheimer's disease. He is forgetting...but I still love him.
I've always loved my grandpapa. He's the goofiest, funniest, missing tooth-iest old man that I know. I remember my grandparents coming to visit us when we lived in Baton Rouge, La. They came for both of my sisters births and for spring break or during the summer. They would come and go to the Mardi Gras parades with us. Eating breakfast and lunch at Mr. Kenny's mother's house, then to the streets of New Orleans where the parades were. The family ones where in the afternoon. I remember going to their house on Pio Nono before it burned down and before they moves to Brunswick. He collected things, well junk. My grandparents are pretty much hoarders but not extreme ones like you see on TV shows. I remember going to visit them in Brunswick. Going to the park and the beach. We have this picture of my grandpapa touching his toes with the opposite hand, the other arm stretched out to the side. It was taken at one of those exercise trails near their house. He would go out on the pier with me and collect shells with me on the shore. I miss that man.
He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2005 or 2006 and you would have never known. You couldn't tell that he had Alzheimer's up until a few years ago when we had to put him in a nursing home. It's been a slow decline ever since I can remember, at least up until this year. Something changed in January. He was doing fine at Christmas. It took him a while to remember everyone's names, but that was normal. Something changed in January, it's like the Alzheimer's decided it was time to hit the gas, saying "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!!" from Alice and Wonderland. He has good days and he has not so good days. Sometimes he remembers and sometimes he doesn't. He currently believes his mother is still alive...she died in 1977. For the longest time he was in the angry stage, but now he's finally moved on to the acceptance stage, the "I'm content with my life" stage. The stage where he is happy to be living, not angry and denying the situation.
He might not always remember me or the memories that we've shared or anyone else, but he is my grandpapa and he it's his birthday today. I love him whether he remembers or not. I love the grandpapa that he is today and I love the grandpapa that I remember, and that is all that matters.
Happy 86th Birthday Grandpapa!!
I don't miss the dorms all that much other than the best 3 roommates ever, the most fantastic RA who was basically our best friend on the hall, my adopted roommates: they practically lived with us in that cramped but spacious room (I'll explain), the ridiculous drunk conversations we always overheard in the kitchen next door, and my bed. Yes, my bed. Most people who live in the dorms say they hate the blue, plastic mattresses they give us, but I loved mine. I had the most comfy bed ever. I think it was because I had an egg crate and a regular mattress pad on top of it. But seriously, it was the best bed I've ever slept on and I miss it. No other bed will ever compare to that twin xl bed in a study lounge converted into a 4 person bedroom, bunk-beds and all. We had two roller racks for closets, one half per girl, two bunk beds, four dressers, and four desks. The only seating we really had were those beds. I brought two bookshelves and a TV, two roommates brought mini-fridges, and the other brought a microwave. We lived the best life in our cramped but spacious room (floor space galore!). We might not have have had but 3 friends on our hall and we never closed the door while there, but we had the best time.
I guess I miss more than just my wonderful, perfect, average college dorm bed. I miss the experiences we shared in our supplemental housing "dorm" and the Sunday roomie dinners at CiCi's because they had a $2.99 college night on Sundays. I miss final week breakfasts together and staying in the dining hall until they kicked us out. I might not have always loved that room and my roomies, but I was so blessed last year and couldn't have picked better ones.
But alas, I still miss my bed....hahaha.
āChristian or Muslim, We Are All Egyptiansā - Christians
form a human chain around Muslims to protect them from
disruptions during Friday prayer in Alexandria, Egypt.
I found this tonight on tumblr. It's beautiful, isn't it. This image, this story gives me hope for the future of religious peace and tolerance. GOD has asked us to love one another, no matter what. No matter if they are a man who is in love with another man, no matter if they have committed a horrible crime, no matter if they believe in something other than HIM (even though Muslims and Christians love GOD, as in the one and only, same GOD. Such a shocker...). HE has asked us to love and be CHRIST to others. Aka Micah 6.8 and Matthew 25. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Some much love. So much respect. So much faith.
Study time is over. The spanish test has been completed. Thanksgiving break is one step closer. No more worries.
ten things in no particular order:
- Make a list of books that I want to read (any suggestions??? please??)
- Pack my bag for Florida.
- Register for spring semester classes.
- Finish season 2 of 'Gossip Girl' (I know, horrible but addicting).
- Re-start running every morning.
- Figure out knitting.
- Take pictures for once (like I did last year).
- Finally finish the black skirt I started working on in September....
- Figure out if the song that is stuck in my head is real or just a made up melody.
- Make something pretty.
Daniel Bashta
live at RELEVANT
I have been in love with Daniel Bashta's voice for some time now. He just has a gorgeous tone that a lot of artists long for. My wonderful section leader Melissa gave each one of us in her section a mix cd as our section gift. It has some many different worship songs and this one just happened to be on it. I've loved "Dreamers" ever since I first heard it at a Wesley service. RELEVANT is this amazing this amazing publication and company that publishes 6 issues and 4 albums a year. RELEVANT: "We try to publish ideas that break stereotypes, challenge the status quo and spur a generation to know God more--and change the world while they're at it. The issues are full of incredible articles written by everyday people and about everyday people, sometimes even about 'celebrities' who are on a mission and want to share their story and vision. It's great. Anyways, this lovely number popped up on one of those incredible mix albums they create and I've fallen into a deeper love with it. A live, natural, no nonsense recording of Daniel Bashta performing "Dreamers" at RELEVANT. It just can't get any better. Enjoy!
I never want anything for Christmas. It's true, ask my parents. I don't like gift getting holidays. I like giving gifts but not so much the receiving end. Honestly, I would rather get something that I like when I need it. The genius behind gift cards is well, genius. I just wish my family would hop on that bandwagon.....
Anyways, for once I know what I would like. 8 things. Some purchasable and some to be experienced.
- I love vintage cameras. There's just something about the way that film cameras capture light and images that digital cameras can't beat. I saw this Canon AE-1 35mm on Etsy and I'm in love. Here's a similar model that also comes with various lenses.
- I own a periwinkle digital Casio watch that I bought this summer at Walmart. Before my new, favorite watch I had a bright blue watch that I bought at Target on clearance for $3 and some change. Sadly, it died after 4 long years of life during week 8 of camp. It was time. I wear my Casio everyday. I simply want a watch that I love and that looks nice enough to where for any occasion. I eyed this watch at Urban Outfitters a year ago and I fell in love. It reminds me of my dreams of traveling the world as a missionary. The character of it tells its story.
- If you can't tell already, #3 is an experience. This image is from Orphanage Emmanuel in Guimaca, Honduras. My church has been going on missions there for many years and members of my church are friends with the couple that runs the orphanage. I've always wanted to be a part of the mission team, and I think this year is my year. My dad went in 2011 and I hope and wish to go in 2013.
- I have no idea where this jacket is from, but it's great. They sell them everywhere. Target, Old Navy, H&M, Eddie Bauer, and probably Gap. It looks so comfy and light/medium weight so that you could wear it in early-autumn and mid-spring.
- TOMS. They're rather self explanatory. I've only ever owned one pair of TOMS and they are peeling on the inside. I've had them for nearly 4 years and the inner soles just started peeling away at some point this spring. It's sad but great because another child will get a pair of shoes when I purchase a new pair! Oh and the burlap is so natural and simple that they are just beautiful and perfect with anything.
- Boots. Boots. Boots. I have a hard time finding boots that I like. I've got short legs, which means short calves and mid calf boots are knee length on me. The look of this pair of boots is perfect. I'm not a total fan of the riding boot look or a total fan of the fancy cowgirl boot look and this pair is the perfect combo. They've got the length of riding boots and the look of classic western boots....if only I knew where this pair came from. Oh, Pinterest..
- A map of the world. A representation of my dream to travel the world and live and take care of the poorest of the poor just as Mother Teresa did in India. That is my dream that I hope to be called to one day. That is why this beautiful map is on this wishlist (and that I would love to have this illustration blown up and printed out to hang on my wall).
- Change. Change. Change as in the literal pocket change, and world change. I love pocket change. Call me crazy, but I do. I love collecting tons of coins that most people don't really think about. A little change goes a long way, in the money sense and the movement sense. I want change for Christmas. I just want my family to collect all of their spare change and give it to me. Then I shall roll it up and cash it in at the bank (to pay for the mission to Honduras and college). Change.
Anyways, the holidays aren't about what you get or about gifts period. They're about celebrating family and blessings and life. Whether you're celebrating Christmas, Hanukah, Chanukah/Hanumas, Kwanza, or any other holiday this time of year. They all celebrate the same things (except JESUS!!). Gifts are about the thought and giving, not about the receiving. So in retrospect, this wishlist isn't important. It's just a list.
My sisters are always the hardest people to shop for. Sarah, the 14 year-old, is the super picky one. Nothing seems to make her happy. For real, nothing. Allie, on the other hand (she's the 12 year-old), likes anything for the most part which is great when it comes down to gifting. So there is a dilemma. What can I make them for Christmas that they will actually use and enjoy in comparison to the other gifts that they will get from my family?? Thanks to Pinterest and all of those creative bloggers out there, I've found a solution. I've found so many different DIY gift tutorials on Pinterest and Lime Fish Studio, who has created the ultimate DIY gift guide.
Here's what I've found that I think they'll like so far:
- flower headbands from shad & lizzie.
- neon, glitter, & sparkle bobby pins from Henry Happened.
- flat iron/curling iron holder from Creative Juices.
- button bobby pins from a homemaker's journal.
- pom pom necklace from Stay at Home Artist.
- scrap fabric keychains from Craftiness is not Optional.
- glitter letters from For Chic Sake.
- handmade notebooks from The Pretty Blog.
- shrinky dink bracelet from Country Living.
- weaved ribbon headband from skip to my lou.
- wire names from Crafts Unleashed.
Take criticism, smash it into dust, add color, and use it to paint breathtaking images of unicorns frolicking through endless fields of greatness.
- Matthew Gray Gubler
Mine didn't turn out as wonderfully as her's did, but I still think that they are pretty good. The oil was a little hotter than it probably should have been and I also didn't have veggie or canola oil, we only had EVOO. They were fine. As a result of the too hot oil, the donuts were nice and golden on the outside but not totally cooked in the inside.
After I fried the biscuit rings and the circles (I did 6 out of 8 biscuits), I decided to try a different process that I also saw on pinterest. In this process they cut the donuts into fours and then fried them. Let's just say those 8 pieces didn't turn out so well.....they got toooooo brown tooooo quickly which resulted in black donut pieces and uber hot oil. So, I decided that I would put the hot, oiled pan under cold, running water. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. NEVER DO THAT. The oil started popping all over the kitchen and made a mess. I managed to smoke up the house. Left the door open for a good 10 minutes and everything. I wish I had got a video or something of this. It was insane!! Well, you live and you learn! Maybe take two will go better......
All in all they are mighty tasty!!! Scrumptious biscuit donuts!! It was a trial and error process and I think the next batch will go better. Let's hope for the best.
Hello there. I apologize for being gone for so long! It's been over a week. My bad. But really. It's been a crazy past few weeks for and with the fam. My uncle (he's been head injured since he was 17) has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now, hopefully getting out tomorrow. YAAAYYY!! At first he was in there for pneumonia as well as bleeding ulcers, and developed into some other crazy stuff that I don't exactly know. We didn't end up going to West Palm Beach, FL for thanksgiving, everyone came to Macon, GA because Carl (my uncle) is in Warner Robins, GA (a few exits down). These past few weeks have been full of ups and downs and turn-arounds (my attempt at being poetic). And now we are coming to the end of this obscene road. PRAISE THE LORD!! Really, praise HIM.
Now it's time to return to the wonderful world of least until finals arise throughout the next 2 weeks. It's been a semester filled with new everything; friendships, relationships (more on this later), experiences, places, classes, and a better understanding of who I am (to some extent). Hopefully all of this newness will include a new job (prayers please). More to come on this semester as it comes to an end. For now I leave you with this: sometimes things don't go the way that you've planned, but it's okay. They work out no matter the situation. It's funny how GOD works like that.
I've been browsing the web for quite some time today. I have this 5 minute long presentation on a hispanic country tomorrow in spanish. Being the procrastinator and super-busy-week person that I am (seriously, this week has been jam backed with tests, a paper, and this presentation) I waited until today to do it. Thank you JESUS it doesn't have to be memorized!! Anywhooo, I've been browsing around for info and pictures of Ecuador and I fond some pretty awesome ones and these beautiful babies, too. They all just caught my eye. Some come from google, some from pinterest, I'll get back to you with sources later. They are just so ridiculously interesting!! Man!
- Okay, so I know you can't read the teeny-tiny letters on the image but it says, "You fog up my spectacles." Isn't that just so darn cute? Why yes, yes it is.
- Oh, just a brilliant and inspiring Julia Child quote.
- hehe. an ostrich. hehe.
- Quito, Ecuador. Isn't it gorgeous? I want to go on a mission trip there...
- Beautiful fabric. I love the details on this baby. A pillow would be awesome in this fabric!
- Rando fabric hexagons. In love.
- An antro necklace look a like. Something that I might actually wear...I'm not really a jewerly girl except for my watch and simple little, one charm necklaces. But who knows.
These are just so awesome. Enjoy.
Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.
- Pema Chodron
So finals are over, well for me they are. Here's a hilarious little clip from Gilmore Girls, aka the best show to run on television. Lorelai is the best. Enjoy.
I want to be where my heart is. Home. Home is where the heart is....or at least that's what everybody says. Currently that's where my heart is...home. I've missed my home. I know I was just here on Saturday, but that was only for a moment. It's good to be home. In my house. With my crazy family. In good 'ol Flowery Branch. Yes, yes indeed Flowery Branch is a real place. A real small place where the Atlanta Falcons have their practice complex. That's literally how I have to explain this place for people to understand where I am from. It's quite sad, but understandable. There isn't even a Waffle House in Flowery Branch. It's in Braselton. Anywhoo. Home. Home is where I physically am and where my heart lies. And you know what, I'm happy to be here. It was a good and cold 3 hour drive to get here, but worth it. Some people are crazy drivers....I got honked at for yielding at a yield sign today. I mean really, come on. Yield means yield not go and pray that you don't get hit. I'm sorry that I do a double take and make sure nobody is coming, but DON'T HONK AT ME FOR FOLLOWING THE RULES OF THE ROAD. Apologies. Apologies. It just irked me. I'm cautious and proud of it! Back to home. It was a chilling 45 degrees fahrenheit today with a lovely wind chill. It actually felt like winter. WOAH. In Macon this morning, while packing my car, I walked outside without shoes or socks or a jacket and it was cold!! Cold I tell you! In Macon of all places! It's been like 60 to 70 degrees outside for a while now and the LORD suddenly decides that we shall have winter. Thank you LORD, you know how much I love winter. I loooooovvvvveeee winter. Snow. Cold air. Rosy cheeks. The whole shabang. Winter is this girl's season....even though colds and bronchitis are ever present in my immune system during it (well to be honest, every season). It's winter and I'm home.
What more could a girl ask for?
I may be the kind of girl who loves to get down and dirty, build a fire, go on a rugged hike, climb some rocks, wear jeans and tees and bows....and cute dresses, scarves, and cardis. But man, this girl loves her some glitter and anything that sparkles. It's like I've got the best of both worlds, the perfect tom-boy/girly-girl combo. BAM!! Glitter makes everything better. So in honor of my love for sparkly, glittery things, I've made a fabulous collage of glittery things. The holiday season makes me go crazy for all things glittery and sparkly. YAYYY FO' GLITTA & SPAKLES.
- Sparkly dresses: I want one. If I could go back to my senior prom I would wear a super sparkly dress. Oh yes I would. Next formal I go to I will be wearing a sparkly dress. There's no doubt about it. Pictures will be posted.
- Glittery letters: Let's be honest, what's not to love? Banners, decorations, whatever. Just add glitter to make it awesome and well, shine.
- Glitter ribbon: Need I say more??
- Sparkly scarf: I'm in need of one of these. I've got a silver scarf with sparkly thread woven in but a full on sequin scarf, that's just plain fabulous.
- Glittery bows: You can never have enough. Just enough sparkle to make you shine. Glitter headbands are the bomb as well. Just sayin'.
- Sparkle earrings: Only the best.
- Glitter on plastic fruit: Plastic fruit + mod podge + glitter = the ultimate fruit bowl centerpiece.
- Glittery tights: I need to make some. That's all.
- Glitter thumbtacks: Such an easy DIY. Buy some flat thumbtacks, squirt some glue, sprinkle some glitter, squeeze on some 3-D mod podge amazingness, and WAALAA!! You've got some sparkly thumbtacks to make your pin-boards beautiful.
- Glitter pills: Pop one open when you're having a bad day and then throw glitter everywhere. What a wonderful boost. All you need is a vacuum. Two therapies in one for me!
Well, that's it for now on glitter and sparkles. Of course there will be more in the future, but I think this is enough for now. Almost an overload! Enjoy!
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
- Samuel Beckett
Pinterest, books, and RELEVANT have been my besties since fall semester ended. I've spent so much time pinning cute outfits, fun stuff for next summer, and gorgeous rooms for my future home. I promise I've been out of the house. I'm taking care of some friend's pets, have been CHRISTmas shopping, and tomorrow I'm going to see "The Hobbit" with my good friend Mark. Fun stuff. Here's some interesting images I've found during my online treks.
- It's a Christmas tree made of branches attached to a wall, strung with lights and ornaments. I think it's a pretty ingenious idea, especially if you live in a tiny apartment. AWESOME.
- I honestly can't tell if this is a extra small dog or a cat....I'm guessing it's a dog. IT'S SOOO CUTE AND HILARIOUS. Poor animal. It's got to be thinking, "what have you done to me? and why are you taking pictures? HELP. ME." Just look at it's face. I feel the pain.
- This picture is pretty awesome. I mean, look at it. It's the reflection of a wintery creek on a mirrored ornament or disk....or they just went all fancy-smansy in photoshop. I'll never know..
- This, this is one of the most amazing illustrated quotes I've ever seen. I'm so in love. This is my new mantra. Let's be honest, it's always been my montra.
- A pack...with a sierra cup...and awesome patches. What's not to love?
- Abide in ME.......always JESUS, always.
- TMNT is the best. Hands down. You can't deny it. I just found this to be hilarious and so relatable. LOVE. IT.
- A simple geode necklace. I love these. They're gorgeous. I think I'm going to take this geode keychain that I have and turn it into a necklace. I might do the same thing with my slice of geode. Hhmmmm.
- These mugs are from West Elm. Each one is ten dollars and are illustrated for a specific organization. They've got one for Teach For America! I think I'm going to get it and ship it to Daryan for Christmas. He'll love it! He works for TFA as a 7th grade math teacher in Charlotte, NC.
- Pointe shoes that are covered in ballet terms. Beautiful. Just. Plain. Beautiful. I wish I had done this with mine before I threw them out.
My family always seems to have trouble with Christmas trees. It all began in 1994. My parents bought a real Christmas tree and consequently I broke out in hives. I don't believe we've had a real tree since. Faux trees are the way to go in the Grace house. This past year our tree broke nearly a day after we finished decorating it. The feet of the tree had been super glued countless times, mainly because my dad broke two years before while setting it up. We had that tree for about 13 years. Oh the memories. Luckily, we had a spare: a scrawny, 6ft tree that was actually 5'4. It was a hilarious looking tree. My mother calls it the "Charlie Brown tree," although it doesn't look anything like the tree in the cartoon. Oh the irony. Last week we set up the "Charlie Brown tree" and went to town on decorating. This afternoon, while looking for a new roll of wrapping paper my mother found another tree behind her bedroom door...what do you know?? WE BOUGHT A NEW TREE AFTER CHRISTMAS LAST YEAR! Alas, the poor tree had been forgotten. Never placed in the attic, left behind a bedroom door. Poor tree. So, we spent the afternoon setting up and decorating our new and improved, 7 ft tree. I think we laughed for about an hour over the forgotten tree. I love this tree. It was super easy to put up. You simply attach the three pieces, unfold the limbs, and separate the branches. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
The tree is up, the lights are twinkling, and all is well. Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree we're very sorry we forgot you...
Today was just another day. Nothing special really happened. Another day filled with cleaning, organizing, Doctor Who, and the ruthless family drama. Just another ordinary day, indeed. Even though it has been a pretty ordinary day I feel as though I learned a few things.
Ten Things:
- My family will never understand or know who I truly am. They haven't my entire life and I don't think they will start trying now.
- My interview with ASP is next Thursday at 1:45pm via Skype! Yeah, I'm excited!!
- David Tennant didn't start off as the Doctor in the newer seasons. Some Billy guy was the Doctor before he regenerated into David Tennant.
- Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine will now be stuck in my head for the rest of my life.
- THE WORLD DID NOT END. I never thought it would. Never. Read the Bible.
- Jeremy is actually answering my test messages...BIG NEWS.
- My hair might actually look super cute in a bob.
- This woman at my church is still trying to set me up with her younger brother. Apparently we would be perfect together. I've finally given in to her beckoning.
- Choosing what I am doing this summer is going to be so much harder than I thought.
- Britney Spears "Till the World Ends" is soooo catchy. Definitely my choice for celebrating the apocalypse that didn't come through.
The Invisible's a novel, a memoir told by a 96-year-old man and a side of WWI that isn't really touched on in the history books. It's this memoir of a boy, a jewish boy growing up in England on the eve of WWI, living on a side of an "invisible wall." A "wall" that separates the Jews and the Christians who can seem to get along for a single moment...except for this young boy's older sister, who falls in love with a Christian boy. Harry gets caught in the middle of the affair and has to choose sides, everything that he has been taught his entire life--his morals, his faith or the truth that he has come to find through his experiences....
I'm only at the beginning. It's exciting, starting a new book and all, it's been a while. I love reading and everything that comes with it. The smell of books, the feel of the pages, soft whisper of flipping pages. Books.
I found this book at the Goodwill in Oakwood last Saturday. I read the front and then the back and fell in love. That's it. I've always struggled with what is truly right and wrong and what "gray areas" really mean and this book is all about it. I feel as though I've got many "invisible walls" in my life. Between family, friends, within my spiritual life. They're hard to overcome. I've been trying to knock some of them down for a while, but there are times when it's not enough. Learning. That's what I'm doing. Learning. Creating. Finding who I am. That's what this memoir is all about. Figuring out what you believe, where you stand, who you are. I'm excited. I'm excited for something new, for hearing someone's story, for feeling the love. Yeah, I know that last one is cheesy but I had to do it. I want to feel the love, the love that broke barriers. A beautiful, incandescent love.
The Invisible Wall, a memoir written by Harry Bernstein, at the age of 96. That is what I'm reading.
The house is quiet. Most everyone has gone home. The sky is dark and completely covered with gray fluffy clouds. All that can be heard is the soft pitter-patter of the rain and the howling of the winter winds. We wait for the snow to fall lightly from the sky, whether or not it will actually come. All is calm and the tree is bright. A silent night.
"Silent night, Holy night.
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon virgin, mother and child.
Holy infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in Heavenly peace, sleep in Heavenly peace..."
All of the silence has brought on a time of reflection on this holiday season. Hanukah, Christmas, the new year. As a Christian family, we don't celebrate Hanukah but I love the meaning behind it. I have a friend that is a Messianic Jew and I love hearing her tell the story of her Hanukah celebrations and there spin on the holiday. Hanukah is all about dedication. That is the literal meaning of Hanukah in Hebrew. Hanukah is traditionally a celebration of the rededication of the synagogue. My dear friend and her family celebrate the rededication of their lives to GOD and to our SAVIOR. It's beautiful. Rededicating your life to CHRIST. Hanukah, like Christmas is often recognized for the gifts and the Menorah but when it all comes down to it, they aren't important. You can have Hanukah without expensive gifts or a fancy Menorah. All you need is an object to represent it and your heart. So special. I would love to celebrate this meaning of Hanukah and celebrate the lights and rededication, whether or not I'm Jewish or the Christian that I am. Hanukah is just so beautiful. The Christmas season is my favorite time of year. The time with family and friends, the carols, decorating, JESUS, and you know the gifts (they're nice). I love it all. But you know, in our society today paints Christmas as a holiday that is all about a man in a red suit with a big bag. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. That is what we see. Getting the gift you want. Outlandish gifts that usually have no meaning to them. Is that what Christmas is all about? NO. It's about this little baby, just like you and me, who was born to a young woman who wasn't ready to be a mother and a man who definitely wasn't ready to be a father. He just wanted to marry the girl, not a baby that wasn't his. But it was what it was, because GOD said it was to be. This baby ate, pooped, slept, and cried. HE was a small little baby born into broken world, with no idea of what HE was to bring to this world. Christmas is about a baby born to save the world, the ultimate gift. A BABY! Christmas is not about the tree or the presents under it or the cookies, it's about one simple thing that changed the world as we know it. Now, the Christmas tree is a beautiful tradition. It all began with Martin Luther who was walking through the forest on a snowy winter night, loved the evergreens shiny in the moonlight, and took one home and decorated it with candles in honor of the birth of CHRIST. And there you have it, the first Christmas tree. Christmas is about that silent, Holy night that occurred over 2,000 years ago.
I want to teach my children the beauty of Hanukah, the joy of Christmas, the stories of the people that have made these celebrations possible, and traditions passed down from generation to generation....the story of Saint Nicolas, the Christmas pickle, the Nativity Story, the festival of lights, rededication of our lives and the church, and starting off the new year with a heart of thanks and joy.
I plan to celebrate the new year with my reflection of the holiday season. Rededication, celebration, and restarting. That is the holiday season. The holiday season celebrated by my ancestors and my family alike. Rededication to GOD, celebrating the ultimate gift HE has given us, and starting the new year off fresh. It's like coming full circle.
Enjoy your holiday season. Be blessed and bless others. Take a quiet moment to reflect, to remember, and to restart for 2013. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Anything you're good at contributes to happiness.
- Bertrand Russell
The wind has been crazy for the past few days. I walk outside and feel like I'm going to blow away. It's like I'm permanently stuck in Winnie the Pooh on a blustery day. The wind is rough, the sky is fluffy and gray, we're all just waiting for the snow to fall. It's cold enough. Definitely cold enough. It seems as though it will start snowing any minute but alas, all that we get in Northeast Georgia is rain, ice, and icy roads. Snow is just a dream, a mystery that only appears every once in a while much like comets. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Wind. Wind is what's happening up/down here in the foothills of Northeast Georgia. Oh the blustery wind.....
On a different note...I FINISHED THE INVISIBLE WALL! It was beautiful and sad and just plain wonderful. Oh the tears that I spilled on those pages. Definitely recommending to everyone. It's just written so well and the story line is beautiful but also heartbreaking. I can't wait to read the "sequel" memoir of his, "The Dream."
That is all. Enjoy your Sunday!

Let's all just sit back, relax, and enjoy this fluffy little birdie's cuteness. Oh it's just so adorable...and chubby.
First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Sorry for the delay...I honestly can't believe that it's already 2013. It's kind of scary when you think about it. 2012 flew by faster than I ever thought it would. It's been a pretty good year. Here's the review...
- Hit my breaking point, emotionally and mentally in the spring. Oh what a rough semester. Long days, family probs, and life probs. Poop hit the fan indeed.
- Had the best, most life changing, and thought provoking week at LeaderShape. #yolo #YouOnlyLeaderShapeOnce #mafia
- Worked at the greatest place on earth and had the best campers ever.
- Became a transient student (still am) at Macon State to take care of the old folks in the fam.
- Have hung out in the hospital probably more times than the other 19 years of my life.
- Still single and ready to mingleā¦.hahahahahaaa
- Passed my spanish classes. IT IS DONE! NO MORE ESPANOL!!
- Realized who I am and who I am becoming and where GOD is taking meā¦.at least I think I have.
- VOTED FOR THE FIRST TIME!! and had to deal with a lecture on why I voted for the wrong guyā¦.āMom, I am a social work majorā¦who did you think I was going to vote for??ā She was disappointed to say the least.
- Have become somewhat at peace with myself and the current predicament that is my life.
Twenty-twelve has been a pretty great year. Yes it has. It had it's ups and downs and turn arounds and it was good. I learned so much about my self, people, various subjects, and life in general. I've grown as a person and this year is going to be full of plenty of growth as well. I'm excited. I've got a good feeling about 2013. I jut know it's going to be great! So, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! BRING IT 2013.
Resolutions. Around the world people resolve to loosing weight, taking more time to themselves, working harder, praying more, saving money, etc every January 1st. Are these resolutions held up by the time December 31st that year rolls around? Probably not. We make these resolutions, these desires that don't align with our motivation. We say we are going to this and that and let's face it, we rarely complete them. If we really wanted to achieve those resolutions we would become more focused and motivated. So why make resolutions that will never be met? I propose that we make resolutions that are attainable, resolutions that we are meaningful, or not make any resolutions at all this year. A resolution revolution.
I resolve to laughing even more than I do (which is all the time), blogging more, studying better, decreasing, breathing more deeply, being more spontaneous, running more, keeping on the sunny side, praying more, and being more accepting of myself. What are your resolutions for 2013?
Enjoy your Wednesday!!
The Oh Hello's
Lay Me Down
I was browsing iTunes the other week, just looking to see if the indie spotlight was back up and running. It wasn't, but they did have this wonderful tune by some singer/songwriter group (I don't remember the name but I downloaded that song) that just happened to be on a new indie spotlight album. And guess who else was on this album and had their first non-ep album on the slideshow....THESE GUYS!! The Oh Hello's. Their tone is gorgeous, their rhythms are catchy, and their lyrics are pure poetry that just about anyone can relate to. If you can't tell, I've fallen in love with The Oh Hello's. They're indie/singer/songwriter with a touch of good ole Jesus. Just listen to their song "The Truth is the Cave." Beautiful, purely beautiful. I hope you will fall in love with The Oh Hello's, too. Enjoy!!

Brian is going on a mission trip to a closed country in Southeast Asia. Yep closed. He is going there this summer to spread the love and word of Christ. He and his team are going to be working with a family for the duration of the trip and will be working at a special needs orphanage, the homeless population in the area, and people who don't know Jesus or anything whatsoever about him. Isn't that awesome. There's only one dilemma....he has to raise $2,500. God has called him on this amazing journey and he needs a little support from friends, family, strangers, anyone. God is going to use Brian to change people's lives while changing his as well. If you would just take a second to look at his website, that would be awesome. If you took a second to make a contribution, the size of the amount isn't all that important as showing your support of a courageous young man, it would mean the world to Brian and it will mean the world to the people he is going to serve.
So, this is Brian and he's going to change lives and he needs your help. It will just take a second.
To all of the Pride and Prejudice lovers out there:
You know the scene. Elizabeth can't sleep and decides to go for a sunrise stroll. Suddenly she sees a figure in the distance headed toward her. As soon as she can make the figure out, she realizes that it's Darcy. He's striding through the tall grass, almost hurrying, looking more of a dashing gentleman than ever. He's come to proclaim his love for a second time....and she realizes that she loves him, too.
You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love...I love...I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on...
I know that a lot of Jane Austen fans aren't in love with Joe Wright's film adaption of the novel but I'm in love with it. It might not be spot on with the book, but what movie is? I mean come on, it's beautiful! And Matthew Macfadyen...Matthew Macfadyen is perfect, unbelievably perfect. If you can't tell, I love Pride and Prejudice. It's one of my favorite novels. I guess it would be my favorite but I love too many to pick just one favorite. I'm simply just waiting for my Mr. Darcy, my perfect gentleman who is in love with me so much that he cannot contain it. Forget Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey (which I haven't read and probably won't). I want the original. I want Mr. Darcy.
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
- Mary Englebreit
Today will go down as a day in history. Today we celebrate the birth and life of a man who changed the world as we know it. A man who crossed barriers, overcame adversity, and died fighting. A man who literally changed the face of this nation, a man who made people think, a man who had a dream and made it a reality. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was just a pastor from Georgia with a passion for the Lord, freedom, justice, equality.....I could go on for hours. Today, we also celebrate the 2nd inauguration of the 44th president of the United States. A man who came from a single-mom family, worked hard, and then became the first African American president of the United States in 2009. But, he couldn't have done it without the work of those before us including Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta Scott King, Medgar Evers and his wife Myrlie Evers-Williams, and many others. Without their constant fight for equality and freedom, we would not be the people we are today. My racist grandmother would be living within the majority. Freedom would not be truly free. Today we celebrate their valiant efforts and the end of segregation. Today we remember the legacy of a man who change the hearts of American.
The dream continues on today as we fight for other forms of equality. We fight for marriage equality, equal opportunities, equality within education, etc. We are fighting to fulfill Dr. King's dream. This morning our President shared his support of continuing the fight. Thank you, Mr. President.
Yeah. So this happened today. It 'totes' happened.
Love on Top
Sony Music Entertainment
If you happened to see my last post (literally a minute ago), then you might notice a theme of the day. Today, I heard this song in Marshall's and of course had to text one of my best friends about it. This is our song so to speak. Every time it comes on we have to stop everything and get up and belt it out in accompaniment to the fabulous hair flip she starts at 2:16 and then again at 2:58 (I attempted to post a gif of them but it didn't work out so much..). That move makes the entire video. But really. The reminiscence of the Peanuts gang's quirky hair flip dance move thing. Yep. That's the one. ANYWHOO, I love this song and ever since I heard in Marshall's this afternoon I can't get it out of my head. It's catchy and you just can't help to move to the beat when you hear it. Excuse me while I go and listen to it on repeat for the rest of the night....
Bring out your best hair flippidy move and enjoy!!
On January 4, 2013 I cut off my hair. Twenty days ago today I cut off my hair. Nearly 10 1/2 inches of it. I went from long, mermaid hair to a longish, nearly shoulder-length bob. Big change my friends, big change.
I apologize for the quality.
I had been thinking about cutting off my hair for a while now. First it was over thanksgiving, then it became before Christmas, and finally came down to the Friday before classes started back. I wanted change. I needed change. I made a change. It kind of was a thing for the new year. Starting it out with a do. I thought a lot about it. I mean A LOT. What would it look like? Would it look good? Will a longish bob look okay with my face shape? Will I like it? Will my family like it? Will the sweet boys that I am bound to meet like it? Those were the questions. A LOT of questions. I decided that it didn't matter what I looked like after the cut. What mattered was the reason I chose to cut it off. Cancer. Cancer was the reason I cut it off. Specifically women fighting breast and ovarian cancer. Women would have little to no hair. Women who are fighting one of the hardest battles one can fight. Beautiful women who may or may not see their beauty. Strong and inspiring women who deserve to feel beautiful. That's why I cut off my hair. Why should I keep my long, beautiful, mermaid hair that weighs down my head, that takes 3-4 wraps around when I put it in a bun? Sure, I love it but do I really need it? I decided no. My hair wouldn't change the person that I am, it was just hair. JUST HAIR. To me, it was just hair. To a woman who cries when she sees the peach-fuzz sprouting from her scalp, or to the woman who believes that her beautiful bald head is not beautiful at all, or to the woman who watches as they take the razor and shave the remnants of hair off her head, it's not just hair. It's something to make the day better, something that makes her feel less pain just because, something that makes her feel beautiful when she might not believe she is even though everyone else tells her so all the time.
I will admit it, for the first week I missed it. I would go to brush my hair off my neck and onto my shoulder and then realize "oh wait, my hair can't do that anymore." It didn't help that the day after I got my hair cut off a friend of mine made a questionable face when I asked him what I thought. I was nervous. I missed my hair. I didn't know how I was going to style it. I was afraid that the moment I washed it, it would turn into a poof ball because I have naturally curly hair. My hair was gone and I was trying to accept it.
I love my "new do." I really do. It's nice to be able to wash my hair in 5 minutes. It's nice that it no longer takes 20 minutes to blow dry it. It's nice that my head doesn't feel weighed down. It's wonderful that another woman is going to have a wig with my hair in it. It's wonderful that it might just make her feel beautiful for the first time in a long time. It's wonderful that it's going to make someone's smile even brighter. I love my "new do," I really do.
As I'm trying to figure out where I will live in Athens in the fall, I can't help but think about how I will organize my room. I do not plan on buying anything new, except maybe a new duvet cover or sheets. I've got my hands and imagination for everything else. What more could you need?
- The Elephants: I found this image on pinterest. I love the idea of creating multiples of one shape, covering them with pretty paper, and then stringing them together. BAM! You've got lovely wall art. My family has tons and tons of scrapbook papers. Get ready Mom! I'm coming to raid the paper bin!!
- The Kitty Bed: This bed is just so simple and pretty. When I first saw it, I thought that the flowery sheets were the comforter and that they had put a white blanket on top. Nope. They're flowery sheets. It's just so beautiful.
- Shaggy Rug: I love these rugs. They're a work of art themselves with all of the different fabrics and colors. I just love them. This rug is from Urban Outfitters and it's $30. I guess that's not a bad deal but I saw a similar rug at Marshall's for $10! I've seen tutorials on DIYing on and it seems pretty easy. Strips of fabric, a piece that you tie the strips to (I have know idea what it's called..), needle and thread, and you've got a cute new rug. Plus, I've got tons of random fabric scraps lying around.
- The Little Corner Bed: When I first saw this bed I was like, "Oooo, you are so pretty." Yes, yes I did. It's pretty and simple and perfect. Indeed.
- The Doily Ball: Isn't it awesome?? I love the way the light shines on the wall and how you can see the pattern of the doilies. It's beautiful. And it's simple to make. The link under the image explains the process of making one. My plan is to go to a thrift store, buy all the doilies, and make myself a fabulous doily pendant/ball lamp. So dreamy.
- Zig-Zag Duvet: I found this duvet cover on Anthropologie and have fallen in love. Just not with the nearly $300 price tag....JEEZ! I figured it's a pretty simple DIY. I can either make a duvet out of flat sheets or buy one from ikea in a color of my choice and then create the zig-zag pattern around the top and the pillow cases. Rather simple.
- Carpe Diem Pillow Cases: I've seen worded pillow cases all over pinterest. They come from Urban Outfitters and they're gorgeous! I think the whole idea is awesome. But once again the $30 price is not awesome. Who wants to pay $30 for pillow shams?? Not me. All you need is a pair of pillow cases, fabric paint, pretty words, freezer paper, and you are on your way to having beautiful worded pillow cases just like Urban Outfitters. You use the same process as I do for my hand stenciled t-shirts (coming soon on my Etsy store). Beautiful and simple.
- The Organization Station: Look at this beautiful organization. It's stunning. This is how I dream of my bookshelves looking. One day....
There are so many other beautiful images for inspiration out there but these are my favorites so far. You can see the rest of them on my apartment pinboard on Pinterest!!
We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another - until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices.
- Richard M. Nixon
Strip Me
(C) 2010 Song Music Entertainment UK Limited
Over the weekend my parents and I watched Morning Glory. Oh it's good. You should watch it. Seriously, just go watch it. It's got Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, and some ridiculously attractive man that I don't know the name of. They play "Strip Me" towards the end of the film and I fall more in love with it every time I hear it. I don't remember the first time I heard it (it was a while back before I saw the movie). I've decided it's my theme song. A while back, I was reapplying for the camp that I worked at this last summer and one question was, "if you had to pick a theme song/anthem for your life, what would it be?" Every year they come up with a fun question. Last year's was the super power you wanted most and this year was your theme song. I struggled hard with this. Super power? Simple, ultra stretchiness or flying. Theme song?......I didn't have a clue, well other than Florence and the Machine's "Shake it Out" (seriously one of my favorites). I honestly didn't know if there was a theme song for my life and who I am. So, I put down "Shake it Out" and explained why. The thing is, it was my theme song in the past but for where I am now it didn't fit. It wasn't the perfect explanation of who I am. And then as I'm sitting there watching Morning Glory and this song comes on, I'm like this is it. I found my theme song. Then I thought to myself, "why did it take so long to figure it out??" It's perfect. I had to go and download it on itunes the moment it hit me. The whole song is about being who you are and that no one can take that away from you. No one can take away your voice, your passion, your soul. NO. ONE. That's where I am. I am me and I have a voice and I WILL be me and I WILL shout out my opinions and I WILL pour out my heart. You can strip me of everything else but you can't strip away who I am.
I hope you enjoy this tune. It's got a great beat, catchy chorus, and it's just pure awesomeness. Don't ever let anyone steal your sparkle, rearrange you, strip away your passion. Be you, always and evermore.
The weather has been crazy here today! This morning was terribly windy, this afternoon was dreary, and now there's a downpour. So, I've got a class at 5:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tonight I get in my car, drive to the school, park and get out, and as I'm about to walk up the steps and into the Jones Center a man rolls down his window and tells me classes were canceled. Yep. Yep. Yep. As I'm walking back to my freshly parked car, the downpour begins. Oh what a downpour it was. You could hardly see the road in front of your car! I'm being totally serious. It was probably the hardest thing I've done when it comes to driving. Terrifying I tell you! Terrifying! So, to cheer up this crazy tornado producin', wind wippin' weather here's some wonderful images.
- Iced heart cookies. Iced heart cookies. Iced heart cookies. Oh my goodness, I love them. These are one of my vices. My cousin makes them for every wedding, baby shower, party, family reunion, etc. They're just soooo good!! Plus, they just happened to be pink and red and heart shaped for Valentine's Day, or as my friends have dubbed it Single's Awareness Day. Ha!
- "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams..." Eleanor Roosevelt was such an incredible woman. I wish I had been around to meet her and eat lunch with her.I believe we would have been kindred spirits. Oh what an inspiring woman.
- Oh the Aristocats. One of the greatest classic Disney movies of all time. It's definitely one of my favorites. And this quote!! "Ladies do not start fights....but they can finish them." Hahahahaa!! I'm pretty sure I used to pull out this line when I was little.....pretty sure. I was a mess.
- Anne and Gilbert. Gil and Anne-girl. I love the Anne of Green Gables. I've loved it since I read the first book in 3rd grade and read the rest of the series in high school. Oh and the PBS films! THE. BEST. I remember when they would come on on the weekends and me and my mom would sit and watch them all afternoon. I just haven't seen the 3rd one yet, but apparently I'm not missing anything since it doesn't go along with the books...Oh to live at Green Gables...
- I want this outfit. I think Land's End styled this picture...unsure. The sparkly skirt, the creamy shirt, and the ultra soft cardigan. Perfection. Will someone buy this outfit for me??
- Adventurer. I am an adventurer. You are an adventurer. The type is beautiful. Oh so beautiful. It looks as though it came from a old car. I wonder if it did....
So, today my and aunt and I left Macon at 1:00 to drive up to my house. We didn't get here until after 7. What did we do in that 7 hour time frame? We drove, went to The Container Store, went to Ikea, and drove some more. We spent 4 and 1/2 hours in The Container Store. FOUR AND A HALF HOURS!! Just a little too aunt went crazy in The Container Store. I think I walked around the entire store 4 times, maybe more. Don't get me wrong, the Atlanta store is pretty awesome (IT'S ALL UPSTAIRS!) but 4 hours is 2 and 1/2 hours too long. Then we decided to go to Ikea. I mean, why not go to Ikea while you're in Atlanta? I love Ikea. My entire will be furnished by Ikea. But really. I got some glass drinking glasses there today for $0.69 a piece on the last chance shelves. I'm putting them in what my mother calls my "hope chest." It's really a giant tote box with all of my apartment stuff in it. I don't exactly need it right now... My next project is to find a new bedspread from there for the fall. The place was empty. I was super surprised since it's Friday but there was hardly anyone in there. We got a front parking space, walked through the entire store, and bought some stuff.
It was a good day adventuring around Atlanta. Now it's time for some "Pitch Perfect!!" If you haven't seen it, you need to. It's hilarious.
Hope you enjoyed your Friday!!
So, I'm officially flying to south Florida for spring break. My tickets were ordered Monday night. I'm excited but also nervous. The last time I flew on a plane was June 2001, headed to New York and I was nearly 8 years old. Let's just say it's been a while anddd things have changed. Big time. I mean, I don't actually know what all has changed other than you have to pay for drinks now and they no longer give out breakfast bags and that security has gotten ultra fancy. That's all I know. So, I'm partially nervous. I've been browing pinterest and the web finding packing tips and what can go through security and all that jazz. I'm excited! I'm flying to Florida!! WOOHOO!! By myself.'s not that exciting when you're nearly 20 and in college.....yeah. I dreamed the other night that my seat, 17A (THE WINDOW!!), was next to a wonderful young man with a beautiful soul. Yes, yes. It's only a 2 hour flight but still I'M FLYING IN AN AIRPLANE! And I'm pretty sure I'm going to remember it this time. So I'm headed to Florida in a month, a treat from my aunt. Let's pump up the party people!!
I hope you're enjoying your Thursday! Tomorrow I'm headed to Athens to see Al Roker and then home to good ole North Georgia.
Oh and I added this cool little snippet of signature. Still figuring out how to not make it look 3-D. If you know what to do, just let me know!!
I shared last week that I'm flying to south Florida for spring break in a few weeks. In the process of prepping for the trip, I've been searching for the pretty much perfect personal item. After browsing through Delta Airlines' carry on and personal item rules, I found out I can't take my beloved Marmot backpack as a personal item. My go-everywhere-with-me, on sale, last one, backpack counts as another carry on in the eyes of Delta. So sad. Here begins the journey to the perfect personal item: big enough to hold my toiletries, macbook, notebook, current read, Relevant Mag., and the contents of my purse (not that much in it). I found one at TJMaxx in Athens Friday afternoon, but it wasn't something that I could see myself using in the future that often. I bought it because it was the largest bag and one of the lowest priced and the only one like it. I returned yesterday afternoon. The search continues!! I've decided I'm going to DIY it. I like the idea on a big tote bag. I thought of making/buying a plain tote that about 14"x15"x5" at least and then creating a liner with a laptop pocket and other pockets. It's really quite simple. I love all of these fabulous tutorials that I found on Pinterest.
- Braided Belt Messenger Bar from Cold Hands Warm Heart. I like the idea of this bag. It's simple and cute. I think I could increase the dimensions and add a heavier interfacing throughout the entire bag to make it sturdier. Oh and also add a few more/different pockets.
- Mirador Tote from Anthropologie --no longer available. I love this bag. It's just your average tote in a pretty fabric with leather straps and maybe some front pockets (??). Sweet and simplistic. Need I say more.
- The Weekend by Don at Weekend Designer. I fell in love with this bag the moment I saw it. At first I thought, there is no way this can be a DIY, handmade bag. I don't think it's super difficult to make other than the leather pieces. I've never worked with any form of leather. Intimidating, I tell you, intimidating. It's just a super awesome bag.
- DIY Tote Bag from Megan Nielsen. How to make a tote. Just what I needed. That is all. Oh and great tutorial. I love all of hers.
- Scrap Map from See Kate Sew. This one isn't a bag. It's just an inspiration for what would go on the outside of it. I love maps and I love fabric scraps and I love a nice tote bag. Perfect combo right here. Perfect. Combo.
- This one is another bag from Anthropologie. Unfortunately I don't know the name of it. So sad. I love the cross body strap and the handles. I think I will create a detachable long strap on my travelin' bag.
- Sweet Scallop Tote from Taylor Made. This bag is just too cute. Too cute I tell you. I like how she took a basic tote and made it more. She added tons and tons of pockets, sides, and a wide bottom. I love it. Beautiful.
- Art-Inspired Chevron Tote Bag from Fabric Paper Glue. I think this one is my favorite out of all of them. I love the pattern of scraps, the handles, the thickness, and the simplicity. If I made one like this, I would just make the handles long enough to go over my shoulder and extend the dimensions. Other than that it's just plain perfect.
So that's all for my DIY travelin' bag inspirations. I hope you had a great weekend and an oh so exciting Tuesday!! Enjoy!
It's been raining and storming since Sunday afternoon. They say it's going to continue into Thursday. Monsoon season has come to Georgia. No doubt. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. And thunder. I can't forget about the thunder. I hate thunderstorms. They terrify me and I honestly have no idea why. I guess just the thought of worse storms that are sparked by thunderstorms freak me out. Back at home, I'd run from my room with my comforter, pillow, and a good book to the bathroom and wait it out. That bathroom is the only room in the house with no windows except for a closet downstairs that all 6 of us crowd in during a tornado warning. Here, there's no place to run and wait it out without feeling the house shake. It's an small open layout where everything is on a side. In other words, storms are more terrifying. So last night when a big storm hit I curled up on the floor between my bed and my closet, browsed Pinterest for a bag pattern and sang that nifty tune I learned in Girl Scouts way back when....
Thunder thunder thunderation.
We are the Girl Scouts association.
When we work with determination.
We create a SENSATION!
Thunder thunder thunderation. Thunder thunder thunderation....
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day!! YAYYY!! I love Valentine's Day. I know there's a lot of folks out there that think Valentine's Day is a joke, that it's just a holiday for making money. It might be, but I still love it...even when I'm single. There's red and pink, cheesy lovey-dovey movies are on TV, SPARKLES!!, hearts, and much more cutesy stuff everywhere. I just love it. All of these images came from Pinterest. Though I'm not doing anything special for Valentine's other than wearing a redish-pink shirt with a cute bow, I wanted to share all the cuteness with you. I believe that Valentine's Day isn't just for lovers, it's for everyone. For loving yourself or you BFF or your crazy munchkins. It's a day for love. In the past it's been a day of awareness of my singleness, a beginning of a relationship, and a day of fun. This year it's a day for loving life and how blessed I am to have this one. I'm spending it eating pink cookies (I WANT THOSE DONUTS) and cooking and mailing happy messages to my campers. I might even make a cute garland tonight and hang it in my room...oh the possibilities. Then I get to spend a weekend with my girls, dancing the weekend away to "Single Ladies" (shout out to Beyonce), seeing some new movie, and eating good food...and then working if all off before spring break!! HA!
Have a ridiculously fabulous Valentine's Day/Singles' Awareness Day, whether it be romantic or fun or silly or I don't know what else. Enjoy!
I've basically spent the weekend watching classic films. TCM (Tuner Classic Movies) is having "31 days of Oscars." I love classic film. There's just something about them that films that are created today don't have. The originality, the beauty, the simplicity. I don't know how long I've been in love with classic film, maybe since I was a little girl and watched all of the old movies with my mother on the weekends. So many VHS's, so little time. We had 12 channels when we moved to Georgia: 2 PBS's, 3 spanish channels, the church channel, the weather channel, the WB (now it's the CW), and the Atlanta news stations (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX). That was about it. In Louisiana we had Disney, I do remember that. I remember when they used to show older shows at night after 8. Happy Days came on some channel. I don't remember which one..... Anyways, we didn't have many channels and rarely watch TV so my mother and I watched old movies.
It all started with Singing in the Rain. I flipped through the channels Saturday afternoon and there it was, in all of its glory. Then came 7 Wives for 7 Brothers and Gigi and some movie that was based during Jesus' time that I couldn't sit through. It started with a nearly 45 minute long overture like Gone with the Wind. Don't get me started on Gone with the Wind. I hate it. I really do. Anyways a sat and watched and sewed and exercised while watching some pretty great classic Oscar winning films. When I got back from the hospital tonight (my uncle is in the hospital again.) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof was on. So good. I broke away from the classic movies for a while with The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Boy was it great. Perfection. Sad, cry worthy, heartbreaking perfection. I wish I had that awesome of friends in high school. There were moments where I was so upset that I could relate to the film. I was angry because it was real. I didn't and have not experienced drugs and all that mess but the rest I related to in some way, shape, or form. That outraged my soul. You should watch it. It's worth it. Oh and read it, too.
Now, A Patch of Blue is on. Sidney Poitier was one of the greatest actors this world has been blessed to know and experience. So much admiration and appreciation. Oh how I love this film. It's the story of a blind white young woman and a colored young man who become friends and fall in love during the days of civil rights movements. It's such a beautiful story and film but terribly heartbreaking. There's so much love and pain. But beautiful. Just plain beautiful. Oh classic film, how I love you so.
That's been my weekend. Happy President's Day!! I'm gonna spend it sitting in my social problems class, catching up on my reading for history, and then sit through biology. Mayber I'll throw in some TCM time.....
I hope you had a glorious weekend. Oh and if you eat freezer meals, the Healthy Choice vegetarian tortellini is oh so good. That is all!
EMI Records Ltd.
I love this song. I've loved it from the moment I first heard it years ago. If you've seen The Perks of Being a Wallflower, it's the song from the tunnel. David Bowie is by far one of my favorite artists. Yeah, he's definitely over-the-top and some of his songs are odd but he's great. All of that crazy stuff is what makes him great. I'm pretty sure this is my favorite song of his. Literally the moment it came on during the movie I got up and started dancing. That tunnel scene was one of the best scenes in the film and I missed a good bit of it. OOOOOPS. I just couldn't help but to dance. "Heroes" is just one of those songs you get up and dance to. The beat is bumpin' and the vibe is chill. I realize that combo might not make the most sense.....but it is what it is. Pure goodness. So, let us get up and dance the night away.
I'm sorry for posting this late!! I didn't get home from the hospital until after 8 and then I cooked and ate and watched New Girl (which is such a good show). What a day. Enjoy your Tuesday night and some good ole David Bowie!!
Did you watch the Academy Awards last night? I did and loved it. Everything was incredible last night; the atmosphere, the stage design (how awesome were those lights?!), Seth Macfarlane was hilarious, the awards, the fashion oh the fashion! I want to wear one of those dresses. I do I do. All of the glitz and neutrals, last night was filled with classic hollywood glam. So many gorgeous gowns. And the performances, oh the performances!! Adele, Les Miserables cast, Chicago cast, Jennifer Hudson. They were all incredible. Oh and Jennifer Lawrence! I love her. She is just so genuine, your average American woman. She's thin but not a toothpick, she wanted a big mac, she's clumsy, she gushes over meeting other stars, I mean she's just plain incredible. You go Jennifer Lawrence. And her dress! Oh that dress was amazing!! Bradley Cooper showed his sweet heart to the world again by bringing his momma! I do believe that makes him even more attractive than ever... Halle Berry covered up, Hellen Hunt rocked a H&M dress, and Sally Field was a stunning lady in red. I hope I don't sound like someone on one of those fashion police shows... I just love the Academy Awards from the fashion, to the films, to the actual awards. There were so many great films and actors nominated this year. Amor, Life of Pi, Argo, Beasts of the Southern Wild, and Zero Dark Thirty were just a few of the incredible films with multiple nominations last night. So without further ado, here's a collection of some of the best from the red carpet.
Images via E! online and elle
Images by columns (up-down): Jessica Chastain, Amanda Seyfried, Bradley Cooper & Gloria Cooper, Charlize Theron, Quvenzhane Wallis (youngest Oscar nominee ever), Hellen Hunt, Adele, Amy Adams, Sally Field, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck
Congratulations to all who were nominated and all who won!! If you happened to watch the Academy Awards, I hope you enjoyed it and all that it was!!
So, I rear-ended someone last night. Just imagine: downtown Atlanta, bumper-to-bumper traffic, four or five accidents already occurred. Let me tell you, CRAY CRAY. So we're inching along, me and Jackie that is (my car...long story), and this guy in front of me slammed on his breaks and I couldn't slam on mine fast enough. My little '99 Contour attempted to take on a newer model Honda Pilot. Guess who won....him. I hit/went under his bumper, my grill and driver side light half-way crushed but overall a-okay. Thank you gigantic trailer hitch. As far as I could tell, his bumper was perfect other than a scratch or two. His bumper was like Superman and I was a bullet. Let's just say I was freaking out. Like, FREAKING OUT, FREAKING OUT. Here I am in my little car, crying, hyperventilating (probably should've grabbed my inhaler..), not knowing what to do in ridiculous traffic. So he gets over and I couldn't, somehow gets behind me and flashes his lights for me to get over which I CAN'T. Then he somehow gets back in front of me and I followed his until he decided he was going to get off at Clairmont Rd. The stinkin' car next to me and the one behind me wouldn't let me over so in turn I missed the exit. Lovely. I got off the next exit, called my aunt, calmed down, and called 911. A very nice police officer came and I was freaking out because I thought I locked my keys in my car. I didn't. Silly me. Apparently I was in Dekalb county and couldn't report the accident there because it happened 5 seconds away in Atlanta. At that point my parents were on the way. When I got there we drove back to Atlanta, called 911, and reported the accident. WHAT. A. NIGHT. The guy hasn't reported a hit-and-run so I'm guessing his car is pretty alright. And that my friends, was my first car accident. Hopefully the last. Now more than ever my mother is preaching her whole "you need a bigger, taller car, it's not safe enough!" speech. I can't let go a Jackie, we're BFFs. True love I tell you! So, while I'm in Florida this week (WOOHOO!), Jackie's getting a much needed fixer upper.
This is not the end of my life on the interstate. My mom asked me last night if I'm scared of it because of this. Of course not! I honestly feel more safe driving on the interstate than I do making a left turn on a busy road. On the interstate everyone is going the same direction, sometimes people do crazy things or don't react fast enough. The latter was my case. The interstate and I will have many more years together, hopefully accident free. Was I terrified? Yes. Did I freak out a little too much? Very likely. Did I survive? Most definitely. Will I become more emotionally stable in certain situations? Not likely. HA!
I just wanted to share my interesting night all of you out there on the world wide web. I hope you had a much safer, much more fun Thursday night!! And now, IT'S MARCH EVERYBODY!! Have a wonderful first weekend of March 2013!!!
Today I was browsing through MSN and I found this slideshow of amazing pictures. Skywalking. Skywalking meaning people who climb various structures that reach death-defing heights and then they take some purely awesome photos. Just see for yourself!!
I just think its incredible!! Part of me really wishes I wasn't a bit afraid of heights. I mean, I love free climbing smallish boulders and buildings on campus but I don't know about giant bridges and skyscrapers without being harnessed in! Anywhoo, enjoy the incredible pictures from MSN. You can see the entire slideshow HERE.
My apologies for being gone for a few days!!
Flying. I don't know how to put the feelings and act into words. There are so many words and feels out there but I just can form a sentence but Da Vinci, oh he explains it beautifully....
The flight out was gorgeous. Ascending was beautiful. Saturday was so cold that there were snow flurries in Atlanta! The sky was completely covered with clouds. When we were ascending through the puffy clouds, it was like we were in heaven, or what I've always thought heaven would be like. The sun made the clouds a bright, blinding white that was just so incredible. My face was glued to that window and I'm pretty sure I smiled the entire ascension...even though my stomach was in my chest. Oh, how I hate going up. Being on top of the clouds was even more beautiful. When I was a kid I was crazy in love with all things NASA and space and aviation. Honestly, I was. I've got a good number of NASA documentaries and I've seen the ones they play at Kennedy Space Center a thousand times. In those films, they always show the sun shining behind the earth. The earth looks flat, like it's a gigantic cube and once you reach the edge you fall off into space. That's what it looked like up there. The sky was a baby blue with the sun shining bright and we were soaring over the white, fluffy clouds. Oh my goodness it was beautiful! After a while the clouds cleared up a bit and I could see the land below. All the little squares that were parking lots and farm plots and neighborhoods and lakes...all the things. It seemed like we went west from Atlanta, over Alabama, and across Florida but I have no idea. I'll have to look up the flight path. However we got there, it was astonishing. Just everything. A lot of the neighborhoods we flew over were on these little man-made creeks and the layout of those neighborhoods kindof looked like Aztec and Mayan symbols. WOO! for Meso-American architectural and layout influences. I was going crazy. Super history lover in the house everybody. Anyways, as we were descending, we flew over West Palm and out to the ocean and made a U-ey. And guess what, the sun was setting as the plane was turning around and it was picture perfect!! I took a bunch of pictures on that flight. I'ma uploading them soon. It was too beautiful not to take pictures!! After the super slow, beautiful U-ey. We finished descending and flew so close to the ground I thought we were going to hit the Publix (it's like a block from the airport). Oh my goodness, I really did. HA!
So that was the flight there. The beautiful, slightly terrifying, incredible flight there. I plan on remembering it for the rest of my life. Parte dos is coming soon.
Enjoy this wonderful Monday! I'm just sitting here watching The Bachelor season finale....I haven't watched it all season but my mama's been filling me in. Then it's time for The Help, the novel that is. Goodness it is addicting.
Epic Records
Today's tune is kind of sad, sorry about that. I just love Augustana and I just love this song. Oh, it's good. A friend of mine went to Boston for an interview last year and the entire time he was gone I thought of this song. I guess I thought of it just because the title is Boston. The lyrics are beautiful and the arrangement is to die for, I'm head over heels for the arrangement. Oh, the piano!! So, enjoy the melodic and harmonic (I love singing the harmony of it!) goodness and go listen to some more Augustana. They are ever so amazing.
Hope you enjoyed your Tuesday! My aunt and I went to see SNITCH. She works at the theater and gets free tickets to any movie and a free popcorn! So cool. Anywhoo, SNITCH was incredible, thrilling, and it's crazy that it was based on true events. It scares me that this actually happens every day. Let's change that. SNITCH is a must see. Just go see it and get ready to be clenching your seat and feeling all the feels. So many feels. That is all.
Proverbs 16.24
Gracious speech is like clover honey--
good taste to the soul, quick energy for the body....
Proverbs 16.24, the Message translation
- Power went out Monday night around 7:15pm. WOOHOO for storms! JK I hate storms. I curled up in the tub with pillows, my headlamp, candles, and The Help (soooooo good!) and waited for the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad storm to subside. There was GOLF BALL sized hail! GOLF BALL SIZED I SAY!! Yep. Yep. Yep.
- Saw The Call Tuesday night. It was terrifying but so good. You go Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin.
- Power came back on some time after 11pm Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.
- Mrs. Robinson's (Jackie's-my car-temporary replacement) engine light has come on for the 3rd time. She's a Mercury Sable, what dear Dexter calls a granny car, thus the name Mrs. Robinson. And yes, as in the Simon & Garfunkel song. Such an oldie.
- I made it home without hitting any traffic!! OH YEAH! I didn't go through ATL....I took the by-pass.
- Found the perfect pair of skinnies that I've been looking for forever. $14 on clearance at JCPenney!! WOO!
- Made over 200 cake pops....
- Decorated over 200 cake pops.....
- I officially never want to see or eat another cake pop of melting chocolate again.
- Opened my email to 347 emails. WHAT??
What a week it was indeed. So, the whole no power thing is why there was no tunesday. tuesday. or any other post for that matter. I'm sorry! It was just a terribly busy week. This week I'll have to share parte dos and tres of my trip with all of you fine people. Oh and Cherry Blossom!! I have to share about the Pinkest Party on earth!!
I hope that all of you kind folks have had a wonderful week and that you have an even great one this coming week!
I've been browsing between prepping for an essay exam in the morning. WOOHOO! I actually enjoy essay exams. Does that sound crazy? I just like that you can pour out all of the information that you know on that topic and you just pray you got it all down. You have better chances of doing better because they're not specific 4 choices, 1 answer questions. Partial credit is given. You get points for what you get down. Why can't all tests be like that? I just love them. Anywhoo, I've fallen in love with these few images that I found on Pinterest. They're wonderful, simply wonderful.
- A simple wildflower bouquet. Oh, it's gorgeous. I want a beautiful bouquet of flowers that look like you just stopped on the side of the road and picked them at my wedding. By that I mean picking them from an empty field of wildflowers on the side of the road, not the purple weeds you see everywhere. I can hear my sister saying, "you want weeds from the side of the road?!?" She would totally do that. I will walk down the aisle with a lovely bouquet like this one, I just know it.
- Water color doilies. Aren't they lovely. Just plain, old paper doilies painted with watercolors. I would make garlands and hang them everywhere. I really would. Oh the possibilities!
- LOOK. AT. THEIR. FACES. PRECIOUS. Oh, I love bulldogs. Not just because I go to UGA but also because they are so sweet and oh so cute. I want one. I want one bad, just I think I will go with a cute little frenchie. I might even name it Frenchie.....ha!
- Think happy thought. That is all. Just think happy thoughts.
- A handsome young man, standing in an open field, wearing suspenders. That is my kind of man. Dear LORD, please send me one of those.
- Floral and polka dots. What a perfect combo. May I please have this exact outfit?
- Reykjavik, Iceland. Take me to this sweet town, pretty please. Colorful buildings on a grid. Lovely. Just lovely.
I've been fighting with this inside of my heart for a little while now. To change the name or not to change the name, that was the question. (play on Hamlet, my friends?) Today was a day of experimentation, trying one name or another, different headers, the whole shabang. So, I decided to change it up a bit. An imperfect peach. That is what I am. A Georgia peach with many imperfections. Those imperfections make me who I am. GOD blessed me with these perfectly imperfect imperfections and I am ever so grateful for each of them. When I think of an imperfect peach I think of one with a bruise or two. This peach is perfect on the outside but it's still sweet and delicious under it's skin, just like a person. So, here's to a new name, a new beginning (EASTER!), and a new day.
an imperfect peach. It's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I think so!
Enjoy this beautiful Easter Sunday! CHRIST IS RISEN!! WE ARE FREE!!
via French Press Mornings (such a lovely blog)
FRIDAY! I love Fridays and I always have. I have know idea why though. Ever since I was a little girl, I have LOVED school. You're probably thinking what? what kid actually LOVES school? This girl. You get to see your friends, learn a bunch of great stuff, and read. Reading time was always my favorite. That and recess. I vaguely remember spending many recesses reading while swinging. Yep. Yep. Yep. That was me. The rest of the time I would jump rope, play four square, and build tree forts in the forest. Say what? Tree forts? Yes tree forts. In fourth grade they cut down a large number of trees in the forest, so we spent many recesses building forts out of fallen limbs and trunks, having "tree wars". Fort against fort, team against team. Can you imagine a group of fourth graders trying to lift a large tree trunk? Maybe not but it happened. Back to Fridays. I think the love for Fridays developed in high school. Friday meant no tests or quizzes or lectures for at least 2 days. Friday meant FREEDOM!!! Don't get me wrong, I still love to learn, I just think that in high school you are slightly overloaded. You're a teenager trying to balance sports, clubs, extracurriculars, and AP classes. It's like a juggling act at the circus, at least it felt that way at times. Friday was sacred, a time to catch your breath, a day closer to freedom. Now I think I like Fridays because it means that once I'm done on Friday, I am done (yeah right) until I get up Monday morning. For me Friday represents taking a moment to rest before you start something else. When I graduate and get a job or internship, I'm 77% sure I'll be singing a different tune. For now I'm going to sit back and enjoy Fridays.
HAPPY FRIDAY!! Go out and enjoy the beautiful day, rain or shine or snow! WOOHOO!!
My Mama Polly is my mother's best friend's mother. Basically she's my third grandmama. She helped raise my mother and her siblings (all 7 of them). Their family lived a few houses away from my mother's. For a good portion of my life she's been more of a grandmother than my own grandmother. I hate to say it but it is true. I love my grandmother but she can be downright mean. Mama Polly has always been the sweetest, kindest person you could ever meet. And she loves to talk, she could talk to you all day. My grandmother has always been mean and resented her. I don't know understand why. She never did anything to her. She just simply helped take care of all of her youngins'. Both of them have been at all of our birthday parties, weddings, some vacations, some holidays, etc. etc. etc. I just love her so much. I am so blessed to have her in my life, especially when I was a little girl. She shouldn't be suffering, she shouldn't be going first, but GOD has a plan.
My sweet Mama Polly has been in the hospital for a while now. That's why I haven't posted in a while. Way back in February, literally the first week, she had to go into the hospital for heart problems and her kidneys. The first week of March she had double bypass heart surgery. She had a 90% blockage, a 80% blockage, and a 30% blockage. The surgeon said that doing all three would be too stressful on her heart. After the surgery she had difficulty breathing so they put a trach in and put her in ICU. She hasn't spoke since her surgery, she swelled up, has had difficulty breathing, and dialysis. Friday night she was taken off of life support and she is now in a palliative care room (hospice) on oxygen with a nice morphine drip. So now we wait...for peace, for her rest, for the LORD to come and sweep her away, for no more pain.
Please take a time in your prayers and pray for sweet Mama Polly. Pray for healing, peace, and restorations.
Sorry for the sadness in this post but there's joy in it, too. Joy for her being out of ICU, for still being here, for her being able to be with her family.
So there's this guy in New York. He's a pretty cool guy. I don't know if you've heard about him, but his name is Brandon and he has created this pretty fantastic, amazing, incredible, any lovely adjective.., blog. It's call Humans of New York. Brandon goes around New York and takes these pictures of people people (he asks for permission first). Sometimes they're pictures of a whole person, sometimes their wardrobe, sometimes a group, sometimes just a secret snap of a sweet moment. They're all beautiful. These pictures tell a story. The most wonderful, lovely story. Here's a glimpse of them....
Beautiful, right? Go check him out at Follow him, tweet about him, like Humans of New York on Facebook, most importantly, take some time to see the work he has done. You'll smile, cry, and most certainly laugh. Enjoy the beauty that Brandon has captured.
Have a lovely Saturday night!! It's been a beautiful, sunny day here (Northeast Georgia) and a cool, breezy night!
via Pinterest
Today, my heart lies in Boston. If you haven't heard yet, there has been two explosions at the Boston Marathon. Over 50 people have been found to be injured and 2 deaths so far. My heart aches as we all sit here watching the videos the news crews have found. No one (well, except the person/people behind it) knows who was involved and why they would ever do this yet. I just don't understand. Why? Why would someone do this to hundreds and thousands of people cheering on their parents, siblings, cousins, family, friends, etc? To people who have worked so hard to get to this race, running their sweet hearts out? I just don't understand.
Please pray for the victims of these Boston Marathon explosions, family & friends of victims, city of Boston, Massachusetts, and the state of Massachusetts as a whole.
#prayforboston #prayersforboston #weshallovercome
The victims shall overcome. The state shall overcome. We shall overcome.
So, I am very excited to say that I am in the running to become a summer intern at the United Methodist Children's Home in Decatur!! WOOT WOOT!! SO EXCITED!! I've been kind of worried about this summer of the past few months. I gave up working at Glisson for the possibility of working for ASP and I didn't get the job with ASP which perfectly good, it just means that GOD has some other plan for me this summer. I'm just hoping and praying that the children's home is it! But you never know. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. The interview process for ASP was an incredible experience. I had the opportunity of meeting some pretty fantastic people, it just came down to the fact that they had a lot of returning staff and so many new folks had applied. Maybe next year.... I honestly didn't feel good about possibly returning to Glisson, I mean I did but I didn't. Don't get me wrong, last summer was one of the most life changing and incredible summers of my life but there were moments where it felt like high school between us staffers. I did it for the kids and would have done it for the kids again because loving them and helping them to break barriers and grow in CHRIST is the job and the best job in the entire world!! ALL THE LITTLE CHILDREN. I might just have the opportunity to do that again this summer just in a new way: day camp. YEAHH. Monday through Thursday is day camp for children living within the programs at the home as well as children in the community and on Friday the interns get to spend the day with incredible organizations that are all about positive social change. CAN YOU SAY AMAZING?? Sorry not sorry for all of the all-caps...I'm just SOOO EXCITED! This internship would be incredible so please pray for me and this wonderful opportunity. It's kind of what I'm thinking about doing for the rest of my life. And could you please pray for all of the children that will be and have been impacted by the housing programs at the home? And those who are working in Appalachia with ASP and at Glisson as fantastic counselors? I know it's a lot to pray about but prayer is powerful and beautiful and everything.
Now the lumber truck.... So on my way home tonight, I was driving on I-285 and there was this accident coming up. There were so many of the State Farm hero trucks and police officers and a firetruck. I thought I was coming up on a terrible accident, like a multiple car pile up. Nope. It was a lumber truck that had lost a few of it's ginormous logs and somehow a car carrying trailer was involved. I just thought this was an interesting tidbit to share. I've never seen an accident involving a lumber truck dropping logs, or even an accident including a lumber truck for that matter! For those who know Toy Story, I keep thinking of the song from the movie that goes "strange things are happening..." Yep. It was extremely strange but probably not that uncommon of an accident.
I hope you've had a lovely Thursday! It was a beautiful one in both northeast and middle Georgia! So long, wonderful people of the world wide web aka www (old school...I don't think kids learn that terribly sad).
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