tunesday tuesday: we will all be changed.
We Will All Be Changed
This is Where We Are
Today has been a pretty chill day. I went to class. Took a test. Got out early twice. Printed out a group project update. Managed to make it to Woman's Studies with time to spare (NEVER happens). Endured an eventful meeting (we had a semi heart-to-heart that is still tender). Cooked this. It was great. And then finally I found this song on Spotify. I cried. Seriously. The lyrics are so incredibly powerful. Especially with all that's going on in my life right now. The Lord is just working in so many different ways right now. So many decisions are going on this week, and I'm struggling with the possible outcomes of them, holding on to the faith that He's got it. Trust. Trusting that He's got it under control and that what is meant to be will be. Que sera, sera.
we can shape but can't control
these possibilities to grow
weeds amongst the push and pull
waiting on the wind to take us
we can write with ink and pen
but we will sew with seeds instead
starting with words we've said
and we will all be changed.
I love the beat it's got, too. It's different, almost mismatched, but it works. For some reason it reminds me of Pocahontas, don't ask me why. I think it's just the beat. The last lyrics I think are what hit me the hardest. Everyone is just going, going, going. Some are graduating, some are trying new things, some have new relationships. All in all the distance between is growing more, and a piece of me feels like the distance is becoming almost permanent. But I guess as this distance grows, both physically and emotionally, we know where we were. We remember how things were and we're always going to have that. Goodness that aches.
but we'll never knowI'm sorry to get so sappy and sad. My word! It's a really great song. It's very chill, to match the day. They're voices and how they work together is incredible, and you know, they're pretty great lyricists. Oh so good.
distance will grow
but I'll always know
we look for home
but we'll never know
distance will grow
but I'll always know
I hope that y'all had a lovely Tuesday. It was gorgeous here! Oh and I hope that you enjoy the tune!!

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