11 things.
11 things for the last Saturday in March...
That's all, kind folks! Enjoy ya Saturday!!!
- My sincerest apologies for being gone for a while! A MONTH. I've been super busy! Lots of wonderful things have happened!! More deets soon..
- I LEFT FOR QUAIMACA, HONDURAS TWO WEEKS AGO YESTERDAY. I'm back now. It was incredible. The Lord worked in some beautiful ways that week. The sense of community there is so beautiful. I just wish America was more like it... More to come soon, too!
- I am obsessed with quotes more than ever. But seriously, like 1,000 of my pins on Pinterest are quotes and verses.. They make my heart so incandescently happy.
- I have no idea where I am living next year. I'm a bit nervous but I know God and I are going to figure this one out...hopefully soon.
- Lent is here..and has been here. I love Lent. I've been spending a lot of my time focusing on and spending time with the Lord. I love Lent and the time leading up to the cross; remembering the atonement, awaiting the resurrection, embracing the Holy Spirit. I've been trying to envelop myself in His word, learning the truths and holding on to the hope that I'm gaining more understanding of God and who He wants me to be and the plans that He has for me.
- Now, I'm not a tea person, as in southern sweet tea (I LOVE HOT TEA!), but this tea recipe sounds so good!! AHH! I want to make it.
- My allergies be going crazy. Fo sho. It's not fun. I'm sorry for the complaining, but I don't think my sinuses can take this back and forth weather. Bring on spring...along with more allergies! It's worth it.
- This child is particularly precious. And look at that excitement for teeth brushing. Oh my goodness, she is cute. I want one this cute, not now but someday.
- I need to invest in some new chacos. Mine are squeaking at me, "Jenni, we are holding on by half a webbing....FIX US. Please and thank you. We'd greatly appreciate it if you got a new pair with your discount so that we can have a break and fix us." Yep. That's what they're saying. It's time to get some customs while I get like 30 or 40% off...it's one of those.
- I finally put my string bulb lights on my wall. They look like a giant mustache. I don't think I thought that one through... So for the time being I have a mustache above my bed that happens the light up. It might be someone's dream. You know?
- Que sera sera, my loves.
That's all, kind folks! Enjoy ya Saturday!!!

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