for the new year.
It's resolution time. Well, at least time to share them with all of you. My thoughts on resolutions haven't changed much since the last new year, so here's last year's post (it's in the archive)....
Continuing the resolution revolution... I resolve to being more present-- more in the moment, to dwelling and meditating on the good things that the Lord blesses us with, smiling to passer-byers, decreasing, creating a better focus, purging the unnecessary, laughing constantly, more and better time with Jesus, more focus on prayer, and continuing the journey of self acceptance. It's a pretty hefty list, but it's manageable and definitely needed. My heart is leaping as I think about this list, I'm just excited for the new year that has just begun. 2014 is going to be a year filled with ups and downs, new experiences, farewells, plenty of laughs, and lots of change. I'm ready.
Along with these resolutions, I've decided to join the one-little-word project that I heard about through Creole Wisdom (Katie is wonderful and so is her blog). You pick a word as your mantra of the year, something that you want to work on, something that is important to you. I'm still thinking of what word this year is going to be for me...possibly renewal. Hmmm...lemme talk to sweet Jesus about that.
Have you made any resolutions for 2014? Are you going to join the one-little-word project?
Resolutions. Around the world people resolve to losing weight, taking more time to themselves, working harder, praying more, saving money, etc every January 1st. Are these resolutions held up by the time December 31st that year rolls around? Probably not. We make these resolutions, these desires that don't align with our motivation. We say we are going to this and that and let's face it, we rarely complete them. If we really wanted to achieve those resolutions we would become more focused and motivated. So why make resolutions that will never be met? I propose that we make resolutions that are attainable, resolutions that we are meaningful, or not make any resolutions at all this year. A resolution revolution.
I resolve to laughing even more than I do (which is all the time), blogging more, studying better, decreasing, breathing more deeply, being more spontaneous, running more, keeping on the sunny side, praying more, and being more accepting of myself.
Continuing the resolution revolution... I resolve to being more present-- more in the moment, to dwelling and meditating on the good things that the Lord blesses us with, smiling to passer-byers, decreasing, creating a better focus, purging the unnecessary, laughing constantly, more and better time with Jesus, more focus on prayer, and continuing the journey of self acceptance. It's a pretty hefty list, but it's manageable and definitely needed. My heart is leaping as I think about this list, I'm just excited for the new year that has just begun. 2014 is going to be a year filled with ups and downs, new experiences, farewells, plenty of laughs, and lots of change. I'm ready.
Along with these resolutions, I've decided to join the one-little-word project that I heard about through Creole Wisdom (Katie is wonderful and so is her blog). You pick a word as your mantra of the year, something that you want to work on, something that is important to you. I'm still thinking of what word this year is going to be for me...possibly renewal. Hmmm...lemme talk to sweet Jesus about that.
Have you made any resolutions for 2014? Are you going to join the one-little-word project?
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