life lately.

Life has been a bit wild lately. For real. A lot has happened since I last blogged.
  1. First things first. I GOT A JOB!! I work at this fantastic little place for the season and I love it. Autumn is my favorite season and I am so very blessed to work at a place that is all about the fall season. 
  2. Second. A piece of me has been experiencing spiritual frustration for some time (more on it later) and it's gone, which makes my heart so much lighter. I hadn't physically been feeling God's presence. I know it's strange but I hadn't been able to feel Him there. And then there was Wesley frustration of a good few months was gone and I felt the Lord embrace me and it was beautiful, goodness it was beautiful..... 
  3. Third. I can't decide what to be for halloween. The indecisiveness is coming out. Last year I went to the fall fest as a Hippie, peace signs and all. I wore a flowy, lacy blouse with my moccasins, DIY faux flower crown, peace sign necklace, flare jeans, and totally waved out hair. I might just go as a Hippie again. This year, my friends and I are going to Savannah, GA halloween night on our way down to Brunswick, GA for the GA vs. FL game, aka the craziest game and tailgate in the lie. Savannah, GA has some sort of halloween celebration and I would love to look cute/adorable/fun/like I am actually trying this year. One of my friends is going as grumpy cat (it's going to be fantastic) and I have no idea about the other 3. We shall see. I would greatly appreciate your help in deciding what to go as...especially since halloween is Wednesday and I'm going to be super busy this coming week and need to make it this weekend...WHEWW! Here's my narrowed down (let's be real, it's still a lot) list... 
    owl // guess who // deer
    troll doll // mouse // ermahgerd  girl 
  4. We are taking the Sparrow's Nesters (The Sparrow's Nest is an organization I volunteer with in Athens. I love it! Thanks UGA Wesley for placing me here for lead!!) to a nursing home tonight. Which one? I have no idea. How will it go? We shall see... Last week we made different cards and notes with verses, pictures, kind words, other lovely things on them to take with bags of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Legit homemade cookies. YUM! These older folks are going to have the best snack in my life. I'm anxious about tonight...some of them were like, "Jenni, why are we going to see old people?!? They ain't gonna want us there!" No lie. Let's hope and pray for the best. Yep. Yep. Yep.
  5. I've been frustrated with this research paper I'm writing for a SOWK class of mine. I love the topic and I love that I get to put all of my emotions and passions on paper and be graded on it, but I'm just frustrated with it. I've been in a writing rut. It stinks. I just can't seem to put all of my ideas into correct sentence format, with eloquent diction and the whole shabang. I need to get out. My paper is currently crap. Crap I say. GET. ME. OUT. OF. THIS. FRUSTRATING. RUT. PLEASE. JESUS. Please Jesus, help me through this. 
  6. This song is one of my favorites. It took me forever to figure out the chorus lyrics. Please don't ask just did. I used to think and sing it as "and it feels like I'm falling for the first time..." I have no idea. Yeah. I think I just listened to it wrong on the radio and it stuck. I've been singing it like this since elementary school and not too long ago (about 2 years, sheesh) I was singing along with a friend, while eating froyo and I was corrected...and humiliated...and laughed at hysterically...and I laughed hysterically at myself once I learned the real lyrics. So, here's to U2 and their lyrics that I didn't understand for half my life. 
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
The Joshua Tree

Thank You Lord for creating me, for making me into a woman that You adore. For giving me this life, no matter how crazy, no matter how calm, no matter how stressful. It's all from You, it's all beautiful. You are incredible Lord, Father, sweet Jesus. Thank You for creating us. Thank You for the ability to live and spread Your love, Your kingdom, You beauty. You are too good to me.

That's all folks. Have a lovely, and hopefully warmer-than-here Thursday. TTFN.

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