I like girls who abercrombie & fitch and if I only had one wish...

"That’s why we hire good-looking people in our stores. Because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people." -Mike Jeffries
 I don't know if you've heard the Abercrombie and Fitch talk, but it is outrageous. Well, the talk isn't outrageous but the CEO of the well known clothing store is. Here's the basics: he runs this overprice, undersized company that only goes up to a large/10 in women's and an XXL in men's. Can you say WHAT? Why do they carry extra large sizes in men's but not women's? Because some guys have too big of muscles to fit into a medium or large.....WHAT? The purpose behind this sizing is that their clothes are only for the "cool kids" and apparently all "cool kids" are thin, possibly outlandishly thin and super "hot." Apparently. This is also the company that has advertisements and shopping bags with half dressed young men with washboard abs, and sultry eyes. What are we teaching our children? That you have to be this thin and look like this in order to be liked, in order to be "cool"? WHAT? It erks me to the max. It erks me even more that my sister, who is 14 and all about the brands that are overpriced, supports this companies standards and still loves their clothes AND wants to work there. My youngest sister is just turned 14, wears a women's size 10 and is getting bigger day by day. My parents (mother) try to understand and fix the problem through exercise, smaller portions, buying less snacks, etc. Nothing seems to work. We don't want her to have diabetes in a few years or have a heart-attack at 20 (heart disease is in our genes). Even though my middle sister has a sister who is discriminated against by this clothing company and CEO, she still supports it. Now, I still love her and always will even though she is support injustice.

I had a friend who worked at A&F in high school and loved it. She was thin, drop-dead-gorgeous, and super sweet. She was the epitome of employees of A&F. Having the justice-will-prevail mindset that she has, she has voiced her opinion of A&F through facebook. A person who once attended my church was also employed by A&F. She does not fit their standards of "cool, good-looking people." I think she is perfect and beautiful the way she is. She's tall, wears a women's 12/14, and has the most beautiful soul. Where was she placed at A&F? The stockroom. She did not fit the image that the company wanted to advertise and once she found that out she quit. It took her about 3 weeks to realize that she wasn't just in the stockroom because that was where they needed workers. She said that is where the average looking people get placed. Literally the words out of her mouth. Outrageous? YES. Infuriating? YES.

Now, these are just two people's experiences. I realize that everyone who has been employed by the company has had different experiences, but discrimination is discrimination. I do not believe that a person has the right to tell someone that they are not "cool enough" or "attractive enough." Each and every person on this beautiful earth has a different idea of cool and attractive. I could honestly care less if a guy has a 6-pack of abs and gigantic triceps and biceps, that isn't what I find attractive. My family members might, but I do not. I honestly don't know how to explain what I find attractive, I think it's basically based on their soul. For real. I also find "hot" a degrading term. I don't want to be found "hot", I want someone to find me beautiful, or stunning, or something like that. Not "hot." It's just gross to me. Hot is based on the outside, based on your appearance, what you've got where and that is not what is should be all about. So men out there, please do not call me hot or I will be mad. Anyways, everyone idea of attractiveness is different. So why does this company have the ability to do that? They just do. Do I think it's just? NO, no I do not. It's disgusting and heartbreaking. This company targets young adults, teenagers and pre-teens, and what are they doing? Making them focus on their body image and fitting in with the in crowd, they are reinforcing the stereotypes. HELLO MEANGIRLS. That film was truly a honest description of the hierarchy in high school. For real. They seriously hit the nail on the head. Being cool is just so cool, y'all.

I'm sorry for being on the edge of my soap box everybody, but this is how I feel. Injustice will not stand, justice will prevail. I just can't stand it. Why are we tearing people down? Why is this country so obsessed with our outer beauty and submitting to the screwed up stereotypes? Where are not living like Jesus would like, we are not loving others for their beautiful selves. We pick out the faults, the insecurities instead of seeing all of the perfectness that they are. We are not being the people the Lord created us to be. We need to wake up and see the corruptness, and until we do it's just going to get worse. If you would like to read the entire article, The Independent of the UK wrote a fantastic article. Also this really lovely person, Rage Against the Minivan, wrote this incredible blog post here.

I hope that y'all will look into this entire argument and take a stand. As for me, I'm going to take the gray sweater that I got from my parents for Christmas, which is a size large (I have been blessed with a bountiful bosom), and cover the little moose or whatever it is which a new patch. WOOHOO! I love it too much and my mother paid good money for it even though it was bought at a super sale.

Let justice prevail, everybody. Let's pray for Mike Jeffries and that he will find his heart. #outraged


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