cheer done.

It is finished. Finals are done. Time to go home. It's been a great semester, it has indeed, but I was completely overjoyed the moment I turned in my statistics exam and hopped in my car. I should've done a happy dance. I finally checked my email after nearly a week (yikes!) and went from 406 new emails to 0 new emails. I promise I'm not usually this terrible with communication, finals and standing in the rain for 2 days are to blame. So now I don't know what to do with myself. I've sold two of my textbooks to the school bookstore, caught up on Bones and New Girl...the Deschanel gals are the epitome of sisters...., and I've packed up a good bit of my stuff. What shall I do??

All I know at the moment is that I have fallen in love with John Legend and is luscious voice. He hosted the TED Talk on Education on PBS last night. It was incredible!! The founder of the Harlem Children's Zone spoke and Sir Ken Robinson aka some of the most incredibly inspiring education activists. Sorry about all of the education speak, my passions are spewing out. I dream of creating a children's program and foundation similar to the Harlem Children's Zone. Anyways, in between speakers John Legend would pop up on stage and sing or talk and I would fall in love even more. Goodness.

Here's a belated tunesday tuesday. This week it's tunesday wednesday. It's one of my favorite jams. I'm pretty sure that this song is the reason I lost my voice last summer at camp....

Deep Blue Something
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Oh the 90s. Enjoy!!

P.S. I might just finally post an item in my Etsy's just waiting to be filled and opened!


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