tunesday tuesday: the head, the heart, & life itself.

Why hello. I hope you're having a lovely Tuesday. It's been a pretty good day if I don't say so myself. A pretty good Tuesday. I got stuck in traffic this morning (behind a power truck), but still managed to make it to class before the lecturing started. Whew! I throughly enjoyed my SOWK classes (social work). I fall more and more in love with my future career everyday. Seriously. I also met with my discipler for Wesley with 3 other girls for the first time today and let me just say it was incredible. Emily is truly wonderful. On the slight downside, I learned that floppy lettuce is no good and I need to go buy some more AND eat my lettuce quicker this time around... What a pretty good Tuesday.

ANDDD now it's time for a tune. I've fallen hard for this band. FOR. REAL and being the incredibly amazing sister-from-another-mister that she is, the lovely Caroline got us tickets to go see them for my birthday!!!! I squealed hard core when she gave the ticket to me. Goodness I love that girl. NOVEMBER 12th CANNOT GET HERE FAST ENOUGH. So, without further adieu, here's the tune:

The Head and the Heart
Down in the Valley
The Head and the Heart

I know that I have some crazy taste in music, but I really hope you enjoyed this tune...anddd maybe even check The Head and the Heart out. They write some incredible stuff and they just released a new album not too long ago. 

Happy Happy Happy Tuesday, everybody!! (Duck Dynasty anyone??) I'll be praying for you and that you have a happy Wednesday as well!

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